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Reply 1
Not only is it sometimes the answer, it's usually the answer.
Reply 2
Can suicide ever be justified. By suicide I don't mean euthanasia or someone who is dieing I mean someone who is physically healthy killing themselves is that ever ok?

Can suicide ever be justified. By suicide I don't mean euthanasia or someone who is dieing I mean someone who is physically healthy killing themselves is that ever ok?

Why not? At least morally, if it helps them to eliminate pain and the harm it causes others is very little in comparison, then it's fine.
Reply 4
Can suicide ever be justified. By suicide I don't mean euthanasia or someone who is dieing I mean someone who is physically healthy killing themselves is that ever ok?

Yes, but I'm not good at justifying, I suppose if their mental pain was equivalant to someone with physical pain, but if they aren't depressed it isn't acceptable.
Reply 5
In my opinion, no.
Reply 6
Can suicide ever be justified. By suicide I don't mean euthanasia or someone who is dieing I mean someone who is physically healthy killing themselves is that ever ok?

Of course it is. You're going to die anyway, if some people are impatient, then by all means. It isn't as though you'll be given a good spanking for committing sucide. Kind of like a child creeping down to the Christmas Tree before everyone else. A simple lack of patience. It really is just an expression of free speech.
i believe that everyone has a set path
not fate (thats a bit too cliche)
but if u feel that there is no other reason to be on earth
then y not
but technically its a selfish act
Reply 8
I have a couple of suicidal friends and as I say to them:

Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem.
Reply 9
the question is:- Is suicide ever the answer?

How can something that takes away all choice of sorting the problem ever be the answer?
Reply 10
the question is:- Is suicide ever the answer?

How can something that takes away all choice of sorting the problem ever be the answer?

That doesn't really make sense.
Reply 11
the question is:- Is suicide ever the answer?

How can something that takes away all choice of sorting the problem ever be the answer?

Well, then they don't have to think about an answer, it is a lot easier for them. If you've taken away all choice, then that is your answer.
Reply 12

Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem.

I'll remember that. Very good.
Reply 13
silent p......?
Well, then they don't have to think about an answer, it is a lot easier for them. If you've taken away all choice, then that is your answer.

Agreed - but it does not provide a solution as you no longer exist. In fact it creates more of a problem for those who are left behind. Suicide is essentially the ultimate selfish act, although I appreciate that those who carry it out would not be considering the ramifications as they may think the world would be better off without them. But would the act of suicide follow a balanced consideration?

Or - does it follow that for one to overcome the human impulse to survive one must be unbalanced?

Therefore, in considering whether a suicide provides a solution we must also consider the friends/relatives of those who are left behind and whether, for them, it solves the problem that precipitated the act.
Reply 14
Can suicide ever be justified. By suicide I don't mean euthanasia or someone who is dieing I mean someone who is physically healthy killing themselves is that ever ok?

I cant think of any justification for commiting suicide, except if someone (spy, solider etc) is being tortured into telling official secrets or someone is going to be killed anyway.

Although if I was in that situation I'd try to hold out just incase I could get out alive (I'd probably last all of 30 seconds!).

Generally committing suicide is a BAD IDEA!!!
No one knows what happens to us after we die (there are loads of theories and as far as I know non have been proved) so committing suicide is extremely risky because, for all we know, we could be jumping from the pan into the fireplace!
Reply 15
i don't know, because many people are quick to commit sucide when things get bad, they see it as an escape. they are not really willing to try and make things better. i think that although in extreme case it may be justified it isn't the answer to people problems it just makes more problems.
Can suicide ever be justified. By suicide I don't mean euthanasia or someone who is dieing I mean someone who is physically healthy killing themselves is that ever ok?

people have free will and they can use it however they wish.
Reply 17
What if they had no friends or relatives?
Reply 18
silent p......?
What if they had no friends or relatives?

There will be some who will literally have no relatives and some who 'feel' they have no friends - perhaps that's part of the condition of the potential suicidee. (sic)

However, there are always 'befrienders' whether they are professional, voluntary (such as the Samaritans) or just those who are empathetic and would want to help in some way if they knew how the person was feeling.

Loneliness and isolation are often feelings and not substantial.
Can suicide ever be justified. By suicide I don't mean euthanasia or someone who is dieing I mean someone who is physically healthy killing themselves is that ever ok?

Why not, it's their body.