I received a letter from UCL today. In the letter it says: "It is the policy of the College that, wherever possible, every applicant for a place should be interviewed before an offer can be made. I am accordingly asking you to come and visit the Department on Friday 12th January 2007 at 2.00 p.m.".
It later goes on to say "You will be given a personal interview by a member of the Mathematics staff some time between 2.00 and 3.00 pm.".
Ok, so - I was expecting to be interviewed before receiving an offer from UCL as it's only the top proportion of applicants to whom they offer places without an interview (as far as I know anyway).
I've never been in a real interview situation before. In terms of Maths itself I'm not worried too much, I've got 3 new modules in January that I'll have learnt over the holidays so I'll know plenty of content.
What kind of things should I know for the interview? What kinds of things should I ask? I'm not worried over things like greeting people and body language, etc, but more about the kind of things I should be ready to get asked and talk about.
Any tips? Thanks in advance!