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Textbooks used for Biology HL

Hey everybody...
In my school here we arent using an IB textbook for biology.
We are using a textbook which is used for AS and AP. I really do not kno the reason as to why we are using this textbook.

I need your help in 2things:
1) The textbooks being used for Biology HL
2) A Website where I can place on order for these textbooks.

Yasir:tsr2: :wink:
The oxford revision guide is good for understanding material set out in the syllabus. You may find that its a bit vague, but it helps me to revise, and is definately worth having. You can order it through amazon:

<the chemistry one is absolutely fanatastic :smile:>

My teacher has this one:
its also set out nicely, but a bit too plain for me :smile:

For the HL material and more in depth topics we use A-level books: Biological Science 3rd edition, from Cambridge university press. Very good books, but most of the topics and level of depth are unnecessary for the IB Diploma :biggrin:

Maybe someone else with have some suggestions to hepl you decide :smile: Biology being my favourite subject, means i have lots of differnt books i think are great :biggrin:
Reply 2
didn't know they have ib textbooks for biology. anything heavy and american with plenty of colourful pictures (preferably by campbell and some others) will do, especially if supplemented by the indispensible study guide (the one with a bird on the cover).
the andrew allot one is brilliant! the only book you need in biology really, plus some past papers :smile:
We have an A, AS level book called Advanced Biology, which is very good as well, but it so much text, so I use this one rarely.
Reply 4
The oxford revision guide is good for understanding material set out in the syllabus. You may find that its a bit vague, but it helps me to revise, and is definately worth having. You can order it through amazon:

<the chemistry one is absolutely fanatastic :smile:>

My teacher has this one:
its also set out nicely, but a bit too plain for me :smile:

For the HL material and more in depth topics we use A-level books: Biological Science 3rd edition, from Cambridge university press. Very good books, but most of the topics and level of depth are unnecessary for the IB Diploma :biggrin:

Maybe someone else with have some suggestions to hepl you decide :smile: Biology being my favourite subject, means i have lots of differnt books i think are great :biggrin:

thanks a lot for the links ... the book on Amazon seems to be really good!
i wil chek out the Biological Science 3rd Edition too

and the rest of you thanks a lot for your help...

Reply 5
Use Biology (7th Edition) by Neil Campbell and Jane Reece.
It's the ULTIMATE textbook for biology.
Reply 6
As far as I know, there hasn't been an IB biology textbook until recently.

Sure there is the study guide but as it says it is just a study guide and shouldn'e be seen as an actual textbook since all there is there is strictly from the criteras and doesn't cotain any background knowledge.

However, there is one IB Biology textbook that is being published this june. I haven't used it so I don't know if it good though. Here is is --> IB Biology Course Companion by Oxford Uni Press.

We are using Advanced Biology and I think it is excellent, especially if you then have the study guide beside it and then some notes found elsewhere.
have just finished with IB Bio HL...we used minka peters weem-a green IBID press book for specific details and andrew allot for concepts and examples....the IBID book also has highly simplified diagrams which were useful for non-arty people like me to start of with and understand before getting better with i can draw diagrams like a pro!
Reply 8
hey..if ure really interested in getting a 7.. then u should get this cambridge book.. its titled biological science... by D.J Taylor, N.P.O Green and G.W. Stout. You can use the book to get some really detailed explanations about concepts and stuff.. its really helpful! its got loads of diagrams and stuff too.. but u dont need to study everything! just those topics that u need to do!
Biology for the IB Diploma - Andrew Allot.

That is seriously all you need. It gives you the information you need to know for every IB objective, no more or no less. However, it is condensed to the point where you might need to seek alternate resources to actually understand some concepts. I haven't found it to really be a problem, but I pick up concepts faster than others.
Reply 10
Ahhh, I just found out about the minka peters weem IBID press book. I WANT IT!!! :frown: :frown:

But alas, am a poor students who at the moment is having it hard to afford to go and buy new clothes AND pay uni application and the ukcat test because of all the coffee shopping. (I only drink coffee at one place :p: )
Reply 11
Ahhh, I just found out about the minka peters weem IBID press book. I WANT IT!!! :frown: :frown:

But alas, am a poor students who at the moment is having it hard to afford to go and buy new clothes AND pay uni application and the ukcat test because of all the coffee shopping. (I only drink coffee at one place :p: )

hey afterglow, umm our school used the minka peters weem IBID press book.. well we really didnt like the book too much and neither did our teacher.. its more of a guide than an actual textbook... it also had a couple of errors in diagrams and stuff in a few places.. but its fine otherwise.. not very great though..
Reply 12
hey afterglow, umm our school used the minka peters weem IBID press book.. well we really didnt like the book too much and neither did our teacher.. its more of a guide than an actual textbook... it also had a couple of errors in diagrams and stuff in a few places.. but its fine otherwise.. not very great though..

Oh okay :smile: Thank you for informing it. This way I know that I don't need to save and waste the money then :smile:
Reply 13
oh there is an IBDP book guyz....
its green in colour...
although there our teacher doesnt let us study from it ( anyway there is only one copy of it in the school and its his!)

so we ended up contacting people secretly from other ib school near by, got the book and photocopied it for the whole class looool
Reply 14
Oh okay :smile: Thank you for informing it. This way I know that I don't need to save and waste the money then :smile:

ure welcome!!