The Student Room Group

UCL architecture admissions?

I know this is has been mentioned in the UCL thread, but i thought i'd post one hear aswell incase of any more information...

Basically, i sent my UCAS off before Oct 15th, for the Oxbridge deadline, and have heard from all my unis except UCL, not even confirmation! Most other apps have recieved tasks to do as part of the selection process, so i don't know what they've done with my application :/

Anyone else in the same situation or have any idea what's going on?

I've tried ringing but no answer, and I've sent an email, I'm a bit worried now!

Thanks for any help


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Reply 1
I know this is has been mentioned in the UCL thread, but i thought i'd post one hear aswell incase of any more information...

Basically, i sent my UCAS off before Oct 15th, for the Oxbridge deadline, and have heard from all my unis except UCL, not even confirmation! Most other apps have recieved tasks to do as part of the selection process, so i don't know what they've done with my application :/

Anyone else in the same situation or have any idea what's going on?

I've tried ringing but no answer, and I've sent an email, I'm a bit worried now!

Thanks for any help


I had a confirmation within about two weeks of sending my UCAS form off (4th oct) then few weeks after that the task and i had an interview on 27th nov.

Everyone else at the interview was similar so keep trying to contact them.

Check your junk mail though because thats where a lot of people emails went to, it maybe the case that if you didnt see it it could have been deleted.
Reply 2
Oh ****. That's all I can say.

Thanks for your help. Why couldn't they have just done it through the post like every other uni??? Sheesh.
Reply 3
Oh ****. That's all I can say.

Thanks for your help. Why couldn't they have just done it through the post like every other uni??? Sheesh.
Reply 4
dont worry, the same happened to me. the most likely explaination is that you are in the batch of interviews after the christmas break and they dont send those 'invitations' out till much later. i remember UCL taking forever....
Reply 5
please ignore this post :P
Reply 6
I havent heard anything atall from them. I spoke to lots of people at the Bath open day who were in the same boat. I wouldnt worry, it doesnt mean a rejection.
Reply 7
Well i just rang them up yesterday, turns out laura was right, they had sent me the task but it went straight to my junk mail!! and hence deleted itself after 5 days.

They sent it end of oct, so they very nearly rejected me thinking i just ignored the task on purpose. When i rang them up, the woman said that they knew there was a problem with hotmail filtering their emails into junk mail, but it should still be my responsibility to check my emails! Which i think is pretty unfair as not everyone would have access to internet all the time. Every other one of my unis have sent me at least one thing in the post, i don't see why UCL can't do that. I'm sure the same has happened to so many other applicants.

But it's a good thing i rang them up, she said she'd send me another email with info on the task (which coincedently went straight into my junkmail), so now i have 3 weeks from yesterday to do the task.

I'd advise anyone who hasn't recieved anything to ring them asap!!!

Also, Quiller, yeah, the interview dates that were given to me are now at end of January. Do you think there's any difference in the likelihood of getting in between the two batches? (as obviously the first batch prob full of Oxbridge applicants).

Maybe i'm thinking into it too much, just can't believe how unorganised the whole is! End of rant... apologies.
Reply 8
On this topic of UCL, I submitted my task and am waiting to hear. How long after submission of the task should I expect to wait before hearing from them? Anyone out there who has submitted their tasks and have heard please...
i just checked my email and found this

Dear Applicant

Thank you for sending in your assessment task in support of your application to our BSc Architecture programme. I write to confirm that we wish to invite you for interview on Wednesday 31 January 2007; you will be receiving further details in the post shortly.

Yours sincerely

Christine Cutbush
Faculty Clerk

to be honest i'm not looking forward to it at all. :frown: does everyone who did the task get an interview? also those of you who had them what did it consist of?
Reply 10
i just checked my email and found this

Dear Applicant

Thank you for sending in your assessment task in support of your application to our BSc Architecture programme. I write to confirm that we wish to invite you for interview on Wednesday 31 January 2007; you will be receiving further details in the post shortly.

Yours sincerely

Christine Cutbush
Faculty Clerk

to be honest i'm not looking forward to it at all. :frown: does everyone who did the task get an interview? also those of you who had them what did it consist of?

I dont think everyone gets an interview.
They day was pretty straight forward and there was a lot of waiting around. They give you a tour - the building is tiny and very weird! They give you a time for an interview. The whole thing is pretty laid back and the interview was really informal.

No questions at all, just pretty much talking about your work.

Good luck, you will be fine!
Hey I just got a similar email, but with 1st Feb as my date. This isn't so good, as I have an exam on that day... any ideas on what I should email back to Christine Cutbush? Oh and I realise there are dates later on in March, but I'd rather go earlier, so as I'm technically an international student, do you think I could ask if near but not on Feb 1st would be ok?
Reply 12
Hello Goodbyecasio and Jo from Guernsey. Please do me a favour, let me know what dates you submitted your completed tasks so I can work out the anticipated time gap for any replies from UCL for interviews. That would help me a lot. Thanks, Barnaby
Ha that sounds funny. Its just Jo. I sent my portfolio off on the....15th of November [it had to be in on the 17th] and heard today about the interview. So I guess thats about a month.
Hope I've helped!
Reply 14
Hey I just got a similar email, but with 1st Feb as my date. This isn't so good, as I have an exam on that day... any ideas on what I should email back to Christine Cutbush? Oh and I realise there are dates later on in March, but I'd rather go earlier, so as I'm technically an international student, do you think I could ask if near but not on Feb 1st would be ok?

When u get the actual letter theres a little reply slip that asks you to put other dates you arent able to go.
When u get the actual letter theres a little reply slip that asks you to put other dates you arent able to go.

So they won't have a go at me/reject me/be generally unimpressed if I put another more convenient date when I havent got an exam?
do people get invited to interview without having to do the task? long did you guys have to wait for the 'task' email after submitting your application?
Reply 17
Hello Jo, thanks for that. Sorry about confusion with your name, I just thought you were from Guernsey as I have been there many times, what a super place. Thanks for your info, very helpful as my submission was three weeks after yours.
I've got a bit of a problem. My interviews now been changed to the 29th march...but thats ages away and most of the places will have gone by then! Would his reply be adequate?;

Dear Miss/Mrs Cutbush,
> Thank you for your email inviting me for interview on Thursday 29 March.
Although I am able to attend, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to be interviewed earlier, as I am worried that there will be fewer places available. If this is not feasible, I was wondering about the possibility of a telephone interview?
Thank you,

__________ (my name)
*forgot to mention getting flights to the UK during easter season is a nightmare and will cost in the region of £200