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It's retarded - it said I was conservative (I suspect because I said I'd read Maggie T's biography, ignoring the fact that I said I'd raise taxes), and said I was apolitical. I can't imagine anything further from the truth. You'd be better off going to Cambridge for a day and just finding a college you like the feeling of.

Reply 2
LMAO @ "I'd rather be at O***** than at John's"
:biggrin: I didn't realise people starred the other place out.
Reply 3
It's retarded - it said I was conservative (I suspect because I said I'd read Maggie T's biography, ignoring the fact that I said I'd raise taxes), and said I was apolitical. I can't imagine anything further from the truth. You'd be better off going to Cambridge for a day and just finding a college you like the feeling of.

Well, to be fair, I doubt anyone would seriously be daft enough to let a "test" like that determine his choice of college...:rolleyes:
Trinity, scoring in the 99th percentile for all four.

Not bad either.
Reply 5
i just did it and it matched me to tit hall which is where i applied.....i hope thats a sign
Reply 6
lol I got the same as synaesthesia;

Trinity, scoring in the 99th percentile for all four.

Deep :smile:
Reply 7
...Sidney Sussex? I said that our college bar is nice! What are they thinking? I am, frankly, appalled.
Reply 8
matched me to caius :s-smilie: , again over 99% on all 4
Reply 9
I got Clare, which was quite impressive as I didn't think that's what it would come up with. But I was more amused by the description of Clare:

"You are Clare College. A very posh college, with an extensive property and some of the plushest rooms in Cambridge, you are known for comedy ents in the bar, which attract Labourites from across the University."
Thanks everyone for replying and giving me the just starting the test now....will tell you what i get!
LOL! just did it-got Emmanuel.....4 Refinement, 4 Conservatism, -2 Sociability, and 4 Facilities.
Higher than 99% on all four....time will tell how well it matched me up i guess...
Reply 12
well I got king's... where I'm going next year! Wahey!?
Reply 13
Well, evidently that test is aiming to make everyone feel special.:wink:
Reply 14
Humph, no Newnham.
Reply 15
hmm. Is there an option to see all the possible results somewhere? (I can't get my college, and I'm curious to see what the stereotype is....)
Im a proud Fitzbilly...and I dont mean to be offended...but i got Johns!!!
I got Trinity :frown: Quite embarassing for a Johnian.
I got trinity too, I see a pattern forming here!
I got Caius. Oh the shame!