The Student Room Group

Best Medical School in London


Best Medical School In London

Now, of course, the answer to this question is hugely subjective. But I would like to give a rough set of criteria:

1) Most varied and intensive clinical course. (including how well-equiped and famous the teaching hospitals themselves are)

2) Most student conveniences. (eg. Best and cheapest accommodation, nicest areas, best student union, best student bar etc.)

3) Best repuation for the quality of Medical Students.

4) Highest Oxbridge Clinical Intake (this maybe a bit controversial but I think its vaguely important. NOT because 'its oxbridge' - but its the only group of people (I think) who get to freely choose which clinical school to go to.)

5) Teaching Quality and how good the lectures are. This includes the QAA Assessment.

6) Any other criteria you think is important.

So, lets find out what TSR thinks!


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Reply 1
Reply 2
*wavess* - omg Fluffy I even got the name right!

Its funny how a lot of people hate UCL. Its a bit like the whole 'everyone hates St Johns Cambridge'. Maybe, just maybe, theres some reason behind this ...
Reply 3
Such a **** stirrer...

I shall abstain from this thread...
Such a **** stirrer...

Lol you remind me of Little Britain where Sebastian says "Such a stirrer!"
Reply 5
How about working in: most unplaced medical graduates/most medical graduates forced to work in Grimsby or not work at all, for the UCL massif :wink:
Reply 6
really... ouch. But its got such a good reputation?
This is the first I've heard of people hating UCL, I was actually considering it as my first choice.....
I'd definitely NOT go for Barts or St Georges, can't decide between the other 3.
Reply 8
If i were trying to get a reasonably objective or at least criteria based response i'd have been tempted to go for a public poll to help discern votes from people who might have a clue about most of them & people voting for their favouritest medical school or where their brother's dogs sister's owner goes that sounds really cool. :p:

My 2nd choice for Clinicals was GKT (why does only Barts & the London get the medical school name?) - so i suppose i should vote for them. But it was a decision partly out of strategy (clinical school applications are not UCAS blind and simutaneously considered stylee), how well the courses seemed to be able to integrate (which isn't the mark of good or bad, just different) and open day organisation / biscuit provision - i didn't really want to go anywhere else. :redface:

So yeah, don't feel i'm qualified to vote really... it would take a lot of researching.
Reply 9
Fluffy would have been angry otherwise.
yeah, u know most ppl arn't gonna bother to think about it but just vote which ever they feel like!
Reply 11
UCL or Imperial. Maybe Kings.
Reply 12
well you'd have to be a med student and have spoken to lots of others around London and have visited and in general researched a lot to properly answer this.

and nobody especially hates UCL, you guys are too gullable. just because it's in fluffy's sig doesn't mean it's gospel.

oh and BL is the best, duh.
Reply 13
I voted for UCL that was the one london medical school that I applied to and while I decided not to go there in the end I still think it would have been the best medschool in london for me.
basically with imperial, i wouldn't say the social life is the greatest. it's good if ure in the 'in' group...yes we still have 1 here, but most of the other ppl work hard...and i mean really hard. i'm not sure if we get set more work, but it sure feels like it! the su, the reynolds, is quite poor, i'm sure u'l get simiolar replies about it elsewhere, it's only on special occasions it gets full.

um hospitals are ok, some are have really hardcore old school consulants, like mary's, which is pretty famous anyway, so i'd feel quoite lucky to be there. charing cross is the leader in sex change operations i've heard...hee hee..u can get sent up to past zone 6 (and some ppl don't get hospital accom so u have to commute).

Reply 15
mmm the poll only reflects the limited ability to discern in those voting, tbh.
it says that the voters are largely peeple who avent paid a bill, lived their life or done anyfing outside the coset of their momma yet.

a poll for discerning voters that dont make up the majority of the med skool application stream wuld reverse the poll results completely.
mmm the poll only reflects the limited ability to discern in those voting, tbh.
it says that the voters are largely peeple who avent paid a bill, lived their life or done anyfing outside the coset of their momma yet.

a poll for discerning voters that dont make up the majority of the med skool application stream wuld reverse the poll results completely.

lol so which do you think is the best then?
Reply 17
if you're asking, i wuld go brats, sgul, kings, ucl, imperial in that order most likely.
Reply 18
Surely the answer on this poll is going to be whichever one most people go to?

Like Elles, I had GKT 2nd on my clinical school application, though it wasn't a really particularly informed choice. Mainly it was because a)it actually HAD an open day, b)The open day was nice and they gave us lollies. UCL takes the highest number of Cambridge students for clinicals though (around 50) - but that's not necessarily an indicator of quality. While a lot of people choose to leave, there's also a significant proportion who aren't accepted at Cambridge and HAVE to go elsewhere.

Personally I'd rather stab myself repeatedly with a fork than go to uni in London, but most people there seem to like it.
Reply 19
Surely the answer on this poll is going to be whichever one most people go to?
possibly. more likely the answer to the poll is where most people on tsr apply to.

just judging from the fact that i'd assume people actually at med school are above this stupid poll. though judging by some people here, hmm.

maybe you should tell us who voted then.