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Reply 1
I used them and it had absolutely no effect on me whatsoever - but then my friend only takes one and it completely knocks her out! I think it's a bit hit and miss with that one...
Reply 2
Agree with steerpike..

I take them but they only work if i take 4... i wouldn't say they knock me out..but i do feel a bit sleepier.. :smile:
Yeh it does say take between 3 to 5 tablets :smile:
Reply 4
If you've got really bad insomnia can't you speak to your doctor? I went to my doc and he put me on sleeping tablets for the week and they worked!!! I was gone within 10minutes lol..they made my body sort of limp and i couldn't stand up straight .. very strange experience! Mum found out and she took them off me :eek:
Reply 5
You could try taking antihistamines regularly. They knock me out when I take them for my hayfever. Other than that, four Kalms with two paracetamol and codeine should help.
Reply 6
If you believe they're going to work you're half way there. So have a good nights sleep.
Night, night!
Morphine's good too. Knocks me out.
Reply 8
Morphine's good too. Knocks me out.

lol... :biggrin:

no more stupid than suggesting co-codamol (paracetamol + codeine) to help you sleep...
co-codamol makes u drunk :p:
Reply 10
co-codamol makes u drunk :p:

yes... and red bull gives you wings
well I am feeling very sleepy now, shud get to bed, goodnight. x
Reply 13
it works for me, but i am seriously dopey in the morning
Reply 14
it works for me, but i am seriously dopey in the morning

You should try some temazepam - didn't make me dopey and is a powerful hypnotic agent and muscle relaxant. You can hardly lift your head off the pillow after half an hour, and you're definitely asleep after 45 mins for a guaranteed 6 to 8 hours of dreamless sleep..:smile: It's very addictive.. but if you really need to get to sleep quickly it does the trick..
Does nothing for me I wish it would knock me out. On Tramadol too but still no sleep also still in ALOT of pain.
I take kalms for me to sleep at night and my anxity and they r working
I have kalms to help me sleep and for my anxity and they help don't know if they help anyone else
I notmally take two sleepers zolpidem but I’ve run out on them now trying calms night just don’t work so got to wait until Monday doctors to prescribe mine
They're useless. You need diphenhydramine. I've taken 50 mg right now. Don't OD it or you'll become schizophrenic for like 12 hours hallucinating scary ****.