hello I got a A B B C prediction for A levels and I applied to Kings, LSOP, Pottsmouth, Aston and Kingston I also applied to UCL for Biomed. I have an interview for kingston tomorow (Wednesday 13th) and one for portsmouth in february, the rest i have no replies from. Anyway I have absolutely no clue on what the interview is going to be about as my college offered me little help if any on preparing for interviews. Also I have no previous work experience in a pharmacy so I would not know what to talk about. Can someone please help me on what to say when they ask me questions like "what interests you in pharmacy, what do you kno about pharmacy" etc and "why this uni?". Also what kind of stuff shall I revise from my A level chemistry work, what specific topics will I be asked on and what will be a good answer when they ask me "what do you feel you learnt in Chemistry/bio that interests you in pharm" or anything like that. Your help will be much appreciated. Thanks alot
First of all... relax. One of the main things with interviews is to appear relaxed, confident and comfortable with them.
Ok - lets look at the questions you'll be asked:
Why Pharmacy Suggestions are that you enjoy the sciences, enjoy working with / meeting the public, want a career thats more than just a job, want to work within the community, and want a job that carries responsibility.
Why the uni This one largely depends on the facilities at the uni. Usually you'll be given a tour of the uni before your interview so look for things to bring up in interview. Interviewers like to be told that their uni is good. If its a small campus, say that you like the way everything is close together, if its in a city say that you like the idea of living in a city, if its a large green campus say that you like the huge areas of parkland and open space.
Pharmacy Experience If you have any experience of working in a pharmacy mention it, even if its in your personal statement. Its a massive winner at interview to have experience. Read this months pharmaceutical journal (www.pjonline.com) before your interview and look out for pharmacy/healthcare related stories on the internet (at the moment theres stuff about folic acid in bread and a vaccine for hayfever mentioned on the BBC website). They might ask if you've seen anything in the news recently thats interested you.
A Level At the 5 interviews i went to i never got asked about what i'd found useful at A level.
Finally, no experience of Kingston uni - but portsmouth 2 years ago did the interview as a group of about ten people sitting around a table with one interviewer. Unless you show yourself to be a complete fool at interveiwt you're likely to get in if you're been invited to interview.
Hi recneps, Thanks so much for the reply, it was exactly what I was looking for and its a huge help for tommorow. Thanks again, btw if any1 else has some suggestions or hints it will be much apreciated.
Hello The interview went well and the questions were pretty straightforward, but I got an offer for BBB which is higher than i expected (i expected BBC or somthing). mo
Hello The interview went well and the questions were pretty straightforward, but I got an offer for BBB which is higher than i expected (i expected BBC or somthing). mo
Hi Mogold!
I was wondering did you go to Kingston in the end? Did you get an interview with King's College? I want to apply to King's and Kingston but I am stuck right now!!><