The Student Room Group
Reply 1
yeah! Its so funny, especially when Brenda's like "The TV's leaking"
Reply 2
yeah! Its so funny, especially when Brenda's like "The TV's leaking"

The part when they start hitting each other with household objects at the start is very funny as well.
Reply 3
The part when they start hitting each other with household objects at the start is very funny as well.

I tell you what I did hate though, in the second one where there is the guy with the screwed up hand.
Reply 4
I tell you what I did hate though, in the second one where there is the guy with the screwed up hand.

I dont remember that part. Do tell :tongue:
Reply 5
I dont remember that part. Do tell :tongue:

hes at the beginning when Cindy comes to the hotel place, ita a long set of scenes... here ill see if i can find a picture of him...
Reply 6
hes at the beginning when Cindy comes to the hotel place, ita a long set of scenes... here ill see if i can find a picture of him...

How many fingers does he have?
Reply 7
hes at the beginning when Cindy comes to the hotel place, ita a long set of scenes... here ill see if i can find a picture of him...

Reply 8
scary movie 3 is hilarious, i think its the worst out of the 3 but it has the funniest clip. when michael jackson is under the quilt and he starts sayin 'i swear i didnt touch her, shes just a girl' and then screamin like a sissy. that part with george in it after he wins the rap battle 'i dont know how 2 dance, my grandmothers in france' then he puts his hood up like the KKK lmao.
also funny when simon cowell gets killed!
Reply 9
I tell you what I did hate though, in the second one where there is the guy with the screwed up hand.

Lol, me and my mates laughed at that for days - the 'My Germs' part is a classic.

The slagging match that this freak has with the one in the wheelchair is also hilarious
Reply 10
Lol, me and my mates laughed at that for days - the 'My Germs' part is a classic.

The slagging match that this freak has with the one in the wheelchair is also hilarious

LOL dat was so funny:

Dwight: Thanks, "Handyman".

Hanson: I'm actually the caretaker. Oh, aren't those cool new skates? be careful with those, you don't want to fall and break something.

Dwight: Oh, that's funny, that's funny. Let me give you a "hand."
starts clapping

Hanson: Why, that's awful kind of you. Why don't you give me a "standing ovation?"

Dwight Hartman: Why don't you "lift me up?"

Hanson: Ha, ok, I see where this is going. You look familiar to me. Were you in "STOMP"?

Dwight Hartman: You can kiss my grits.

Hanson: I think I'll be the bigger man, now, and walk away. "Walk" away (LOLLLLL!!!!)
Reply 11
scary movie 3 is hilarious, i think its the worst out of the 3 but it has the funniest clip. when michael jackson is under the quilt and he starts sayin 'i swear i didnt touch her, shes just a girl' and then screamin like a sissy. that part with george in it after he wins the rap battle 'i dont know how 2 dance, my grandmothers in france' then he puts his hood up like the KKK lmao.
also funny when simon cowell gets killed!

And in the club when alan was explaining how to turn on the safety :tongue:
Reply 12
And in the club when alan was explaining how to turn on the safety :tongue:

lol yeh
Luv that movie!!!
Bit freaky with Samara but it was funny as!!!
I especially luv those aliens.