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Reply 1
It was first date with my Bf ... (we were already going out for 3 days :P)

with my 'kinda ex' it was something like 3 dates. bastard. haha.

Well universally if you kiss someone sober then it means you like them :smile:
well I've only had one girlfriend, I think we kissed for the first time on the 3rd/4th time that I met her
Reply 3
First girl I kissed: no dates, about 5 minutes, meant nothing.
My last boyfriend, we went out on a date and then the next time I saw him (which wasn't a date, he just came into the village where my school is to see me) we kissed.
Ex boyfriend: proper kiss on the 2nd date
Current boyfriend: 1st time we'd ever seen each other

Both were ways of saying "You're a hottie" :biggrin:
Reply 6
First 'date'. It was meant to be a silly freshers week pull I think but we kinda ended up falling in love with eachother :redface: :smile:
Reply 7
With my last boyfriend, we kissed a while before we started going out, one of the first times I went to his house as 'just a friend' on my own. Slept together a few times in the following 2 weeks, then eventually he got round to asking me out. Heh.
Reply 8
Well with my current gf we had known each other a year and liked each other for 6 months after she dropped blunt hint which left nothing to question I told her around 2 days later that I liked her to and asked her to our 6th form prom and we had our first kiss :smile:
Reply 9
I've never really been on a date before kissing someone... generally speaking I've met a guy/known a guy and then ended up liking each other, kissing... eventually saying, "Hm, maybe we should go out...".

In fact, I don't think I've ever been on a date. Like, 'courted' or whatever. :eek:
Reply 10
first bf: about 3 days
last bf: week perhaps
with my current girlfriend, we kissed at the moment when we realised that we wanted to be a couple, after a lot of flirting.
First date :smile:

Having said that, 90% of the people I've kissed were just random people on a night out, or friends.
Reply 13
Waited for 5 god damn months!!!! But it was worth it.
Reply 14
5 months? There are wars that havent lasted that long. How can it take 5 months to get a kiss?
Reply 15
the first night i met my current bf, we went back to mine and stayed up all night talking then he kissed me *aaaaaaaawwwww*

Bf before that, first time i met him. it was a random pull which turned into more, then went so so wrong from there...
the day after i asked her out.

And it was amazing.
Reply 17
i think with most people its the first or second time you 'go out' properly as in dating. people on here saying stuff like 'one year' and 'five months' probably mean they knew the pwerson as friends first during that time and only kissed them once it moved on from just being friends.

for me, first bf - seecond date, tho we'd known each other for a while, second - second date or maybe the third and we'd known each ther for awhile iheard it is the first time you go out with someone you are already mates with, or otherwise the second if you barely know them tho it can be the first.

for me it means i am serious about the guy. for many, they kiss their mates on drunken nuights out and it means less.

deopends on the gitrl, but i think its cute of you to ask this
Reply 18
5 months? There are wars that havent lasted that long. How can it take 5 months to get a kiss?

hahahaha....I think I have repped you too recently, though.
The way that this question was phrased implied paying to me, oddly enough.
And I don't know! Usually the second time of meeting? Sometimes first - usually a kiss after the first date..
Reply 19
my boyfriend and i had been really good friends for a few years, then he kissed me and we started going out after that really :smile: