The Student Room Group

Looking like a zombie

Recently I've been looking like I havent got sleep in a year and have seen sunlight for the first time in my life. I dont know why, I get a regular amount of sleep (8 hours everyday) I use eye cream, I wash my face everyday, moisturise and tone etc. Yet i've still got dark circles and really scaly and uneven skin. I dont know whats wrong and it's driving me up the wall. I'm never confident about myself and it's making me really depressed. Can someone please help me out? Please, I beg you.
Reply 1
You must be a hit with goths
Reply 2
Go to the doctor's and ask if you can see a dermatologist! I'm sure there's something you can do about it. :smile:
Reply 3
It's not that extreme, it's just worse than usual and If I look bad in the morning I lose my confidence for the whole day.. It's like I've go dark circles and I appear really cold so not many people would want to talk to me straight off the bat and I have to make double the effort.
Maybe you need more sleep? Eight hours isn't enough for everyone; in fact don't teenagers normally need 9-10 hours? (obviously I don't know how old you are)

If you don't fancy asking the doc about your skin, ask a pharmacist in the chemists - a good pharmacist knows as much about medications as a doctor does and they might have an idea of something that can help, without the hassle of booking appointments and suchlike.

Hope that helps. :smile:
Reply 5
Have you considered you might be anaemic? Iron deficiency is extremely common in young people, especially those who have just left home and are cooking for themselves. You can be tested for this at the doctors to see if you need to take a special supplement or just try eating more red meat and green veg. You could also be lacking in a whole host of other nutrients so try taking a well-respected A-Z supplement like Centrum or Boots' own. You could also try a vitamin E cream like cocoa butter for your skin if it's scaly as this helps to stimulate cell-turnover, and make sure you get some exercise every day to boost your circulation and quality of sleep. Hope this helps x
Reply 6
It's not that extreme, it's just worse than usual and If I look bad in the morning I lose my confidence for the whole day.. It's like I've go dark circles and I appear really cold so not many people would want to talk to me straight off the bat and I have to make double the effort.

Are you drinking enough water as well? My little sister refuses to drink, and so has pretty bad circles round her eyes.

Did you go to the doctor in the end? how are you now?