The Student Room Group

Study Abroad at Aberystwyth University


I am an American student from Upstate New York. I want to study abroad and one of the exchange schools that my school has is Aber.

I could go to London, but something is appealing about Aber. Plus I did meet someone at my school who went there for a semester and loved it!

As many American students like to do, I would like to be able to travel occasionally to other places in Europe. London of course this would be incredibly easy. How about with Aber? The girl i talked with said she went to Italy and Ireland.

I pretty laid back. I do enjoy cities but never lived in one. I am not sure I would like the constant busyness associated with one.

You think Aber is a good place to study abroad?

O also, I go to a school with 3,000 kids, so Aber, even though remote, is a much larger school then mine.
Aber is a nice little town. If you wanted to go elsewhere in Europe whilst there it would be a bit of a trek as its a long where from basically anywhere. But it's still probably not far compared to America!

I've never been a student there but the ones I've met seem to like it.

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