The Student Room Group


I am tempted on taking steroids. I am 141 pounds at 6 ft 1. Basically what has prompted this decision is exactly that - I am very gangly and weed like. Also, I have had so much stick for being this weight from both guys and girls. For example, with one girl I know she was like to me "You know if you had a fantastic body I would so go for you.", other girls are like "your so gangly". Deep down inside it really hurts, because it feels as though I will only be appreciated for who I am until I fix imperfections like this. I feel as though that people are so unforgiving that they can't see potential and go out with someone unless they look a cetain way to begin with. With my friends, this is so evident, yesterday for example we met this girl who was cross eyed and they took the piss out of her. One of my other mates has a weight problem too (he was really fat), and he only started getting female attention once he lost it all. So after seeing the way people react depending on the other persons apparence it has made me think.

Before anyone asks, yes I have been working out regularly. I have gone to such extreme lengths by even supplimenting (i.e. taking a **** load of mass gainers/creatine suppliments), nothing is working - it is as though I have hit a plattau at 143 pounds (that is the max weight I can it upto before I find it impossible to gain....)

Sorry guys, just really depressed about this at the moment. :frown:

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Reply 1
Steroids help:
* shrinking of the testicles
* reduced sperm count
* infertility
* baldness
* development of breasts
* increased risk for prostate cancer
* mood swings
* increased chance of heart attacks

Better idea would be to look at your work out schedule, and focus on improving it, and improving your nuitrition...
And it doesnt happen over night....
Reply 2

Better idea would be to look at your work out schedule, and focus on improving it, and improving your nuitrition...
And it doesnt happen over night....

Speaking from experience, you're only going to get bigger if you find a proper work out schedule and eat the right foods. The supplements will help you get bigger if you're doing things properly, whereas steroids will do a lot more harm than good.
Reply 3
Mate, 10 stone at 6ft 1 ther is something seriously wrong with your diet, at this stage, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT EVEN CONTEMPLATE DOING ROIDS.

PM me your current diet and times and Ill hook you up with some advice.
We can calculate how much protein your need, carbs, fat etc and what type of training you do.

Why feel depressed? Damn, Rome wasnt built in a day and neither will your body.
Gaining muscle is like a marathon, not a sprint, takes a long time to do
Reply 4
Don't take steroids...they'll mess you up bad.

How old are you btw?
Reply 5
Avoid the steroids. Steroids have a useful purpose in life but this isnt it. The potential side effects (as listed by a previous poster) are relatively common, and really not worth the risk.

If you're really worried about it ask your doctor, who will probably set you up a meeting with a dietition who can advise you properly
Reply 6
Quite, avoid the roids - keep pushing it at the gym and adjust your diet. You will see change soon!
Reply 7
I have gone to such extreme lengths by even supplimenting (i.e. taking a **** load of mass gainers/creatine suppliments), nothing is working

Creatine supplements are supplements for a reason - most of the time you will not see dramatic effects. As such it would seem your diet is the problem
Reply 8
Instead of paying for steroids, pay for a personal trainer.
Reply 9
Forget a personal trainer, get your ass on muscletalk forums.

post up your diet, training and cardio vascular routine, you will get alot of good advice, i myself have got help from there and in the best shape ive ever been.

anyway, just remember that you can have the best, most quality advice, best routine, best diet regime but none of it will do anything unless you get off your ass and actually do it, then stick it through times when you feel like its not working, just stick to it.

rome wasnt built in a day, and neither will your body.
expect to see any difference after 6 months and thats being strict.
Reply 10
Don't take steroids...they'll mess you up bad.

How old are you btw?

Reply 11
I was with my dad the other day on a clinic - he offered some very good advice to someone with similar problems. He recommended more "pizzas, junk food, chocolate etc." As you do not have enough body fat that could be where you should start (from there you can start to build muscle as you have the fat reserves to power them). I asked him whether steroids would have done the trick, he replied something along the lines of: "steroids for building bulk are really only helpful with waisting related to HIV or hepatitis, for other cases where a trigger is not known it seems junk food does the trick"

I think you should try eating more fatty/stodge food, as with steroids you do not have the fat reserves or physical storage to build up muscle.
Reply 12
I asked him whether steroids would have done the trick, he replied something along the lines of: "steroids for building bulk are really only helpful with waisting related to HIV or hepatitis, for other cases where a trigger is not known it seems junk food does the trick"

how moronic... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

the original poster is talking about anabolic sterioids - NOT corticosterioids used to reduce inflammation during infections...
Reply 13
how moronic... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

the original poster is talking about anabolic sterioids - NOT corticosterioids used to reduce inflammation during infections...

danesh is also talking about AAS, i'm afraid. To counteract muscle wasting caused by those diseases.
Reply 14
danesh is also talking about AAS, i'm afraid. To counteract muscle wasting caused by those diseases.

lol, ok, ignore me then...

i've only just woken up and feeling a bit grouchy...
Reply 15
Yes, I was talking about AAS - though never mind!

I know that in Exeter they have used Stanozolol (which is only available through importers for the hospital) for building muscle but also for itching(!!!). Seems an odd indication - but supposedly it works! The other 2 anabolics on the NHS are oxandrolone and nandrolone.

slightly off topic, but there it is!
Reply 16
3k calories a day, 1800 coming from mass gainers such as pro-mase and the rest coming from 3 meals.

There's a prob there?
1200 cals from 3 meals?
That means to me ya need to have far larger meals...
When I bulk, I eat 3000-3500 cals of good food....tuna pasta/ chicken/ nuts/ fruit/ eggs... prolly 60-40 protein-carbs. I think there's enough good food avaible to not need mass gainers, rather use nuts instead, since they are huge in calories (high in carbs n protein n good fats). The only supplements I would use are protein shakes, and creatine...

I work out three times a day, different body parts for different days i.e. shoulders/chest one day, back and bicep the next, legs on the third

3 times a day?
Also you proberly have to up the weight you use ect, and improve your routine if your not gaining....
Reply 17
Been to my doctor already, they never gave me any useful advice; rather they referred me to the nurse. She incidently, knew nothing aside from giving me the usual advice - eat fruit and veggie and 3 meals a day :s-smilie: I do that already. If not that, they just say that my matabolism is fast.

I have been training for 6 months now, I have gained half a stone (yes I was even lighter). When I first started training, I found it v easy to gain weight, but now I have hit a platteau.

My arm are twig like - and it really bothers me. My chest is small but slightly under-developed. Got a pencil neck as well. Thus I can look gangly. I am the classic example of an ectomorph.

I consume on average 3k calories a day, 1800 coming from mass gainers such as pro-mase and the rest coming from 3 meals. I work out three times a day, different body parts for different days i.e. shoulders/chest one day, back and bicep the next, legs on the third. I am just finding it impossible to the point that I am contemplating doing this; as I know for my height I am not the correct weight at all, I should be two stones heavier at least.

so you're eating 3000 cals a day, and arent gaining weight? What happens when you eat 4000? You haven't ever tried, have you.
Half your calories from sugar and whey? Im not sure about that, either.

sounds like youre just doing most things crap, and haven't had the idea of *eating more* :rolleyes: . Go on a useful forum, dude, they can help you out
Reply 18

Here's my honest opinion:

1) Don't go the steroid route yet.

2) 3000kcal a day is NOT going to be enough for a hard-gainer. You want to keep upping the calories until you see the results.

3) If point 2 simply does not work (over a period of around 3 months plus), then you might have hormonal problems (low testosterone levels etc.). AFAIK hormone replacement therapy is possible for such a condition after it's been properly diagnosed (blood testosterone levels taken and so on).

4) To the poster who talked about wasting diseases and AAS: the types used are usually fundamentally different agents. In the case of HIV and Hepatitis they use things like anavar (oxandrolone), which are considered to be more useful as recomposition agents than as mass builders. Bodybuilders and the like tend to look for maximum androgenic effects, meaning that testosterone, nandrolone and dianabol(methandrostenolone) are the common things. So yes, they're two quite different issues/categories(in terms of effects) of steroid.

5) That said, Anavar (oxandrolone) would be one of the only steroids I would consider taking (I'm only 17, but oxandrolone is approved for use even in young children and has plus-minus zero by way of side effects and is very well documented - the downside is that it's very 'mild' as AAS go) - but being a scheduled drug it's unlikely I'll ever get my grubby paws near any of it!

Sorry for going so far off-topic, but I got caught in the flow of things!

- Hope my post helps even a little bit :smile:,

- me.
Reply 19

Sorry for going so far off-topic, but I got caught in the flow of things!

That's quite alright, I learn something new every day!! :p: