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Reply 1
Well umm I voted yes but how are people supposed to vote on this... I mean I'm not going to go out with a chinease guy if hes a nasty person or something I don't like for gods sake, its the same with any of guy from any culture or race or whatever. But in answer to your question if hes what i like personality wise and look wise (in the way hes not too skinny not too fat, the body build I like of a guy) then yeh I would go out with him.
but Why do people do these polls?? How stupid is it all.
Reply 2
I have to admit it's stupid. and to be honest, yes, I am insecure about it. i'm Chinese myself. (actually I started the other thread 'girls'), I've tried to ignore my race but can't - I've failed so i'm very conscious about it. Before I used to be confident and not self-conscious about my race, but failure has made me ask questions.
Reply 3
Well umm I voted yes but how are people supposed to vote on this... I mean I'm not going to go out with a chinease guy if hes a nasty person or something I don't like for gods sake, its the same with any of guy from any culture or race or whatever. But in answer to your question if hes what i like personality wise and look wise (in the way hes not too skinny not too fat, the body build I like of a guy) then yeh I would go out with him.
but Why do people do these polls?? How stupid is it all.

but you see, people DO vote no. and I don't call it racism if they haven't been around Chinese people for long or met too many of them.
Yes. Why would someone discriminate on race?

Race should not be a factor in deciding whether or not to date someone. Personality, baggage, and yeah even attractiveness, but not race.
Reply 5
Yes, but some people may not be attracted to a Chinese person (physical chacacteristics / assumed stereotypes about Chinese blokes). I do admit that some Chinese blokes have not thought of dating Caucasians/Asians because they may only have been in the UK for a short time, and their parents may object to it. But I grew up here and am very open-minded. and my parents are too. And no, I am not one of those stereotypes. I do not have slanty eyes, I do not do kung fu. and no, I go out just like every person here instead of locking myself in my room reading books.
Reply 6
In an ideal world, what's that song again?

I think the odds for a girl dating a chinese guy is 1 in 5. But these odds increase rapidly the older you get! lol
Reply 7
Stormbreak2006 ahhh but do you wear glasses?
I go out just like every person here instead of locking myself in my room reading books.

Nothing wrong with book-reading.

I prefer to curl up on the sofa with a good book (or in my case, a law book) and a cuppa with the duvet wrapped around me and boyfriend snuggled next to me playing poker on his laptop, rather than go out, drink alcohol in vast amounts, wrech in a urine-stained public toilet, slip on some poo and wake up in an alley with vomit caked down my top with a boob hanging out.
Who would vote no? I know none of my friends would ever give a toss whether someone was british/chinese or whatever. Why would it make a difference?
Reply 10
Sounds like a wicked night out, ahha the youth of today!
i see more chinese girls with white boys. i see most chinese boys looking for chinese girls. never seen a chinese boy after a white girl.
Reply 12
i see more chinese girls with white boys. i see most chinese boys looking for chinese girls. never seen a chinese boy after a white girl.

You're joking right? I've been trying my hardest to let people notice!
Reply 13
I know tons of girls who love chinese guys. They think Jet Li is damn hot.
Reply 14
...Suddenly becomes Bald Apples best m8.
I'm not British but I wouldn't think twice.
Reply 16

Yes yes yes to Takeshi Kaneshiro :p:

Reply 17

That was random.
Reply 18
Yes - Some are very handsome, with good personalities and consideration like any other race of bloke. If not more so.