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Reply 1
I thought of forensics, gel electroforesis and so. What do you think? Is it possible to make an experiment with this?
Reply 2
My friend did it about home made biodisel, created from used cooking oil.. it worked, don't know much about forensics stuff, wouldn't the equipment be too expensive?
Reply 3
I have no idea. When i come back after Christmas I have to know my topic so I better come up with something good soon...
Reply 4
I performed a kinetic study of the degradation of ascorbic acid in commercial orange juice. Simple redox titration and then a lot of kinetic calculations. Pretty interesting.
Reply 5
I guess all I can tell you is, if you find enough resources to help you shape your thesis and prove it later on, then go for what ever topic you want...
i did contamination of food and drinks from aluminium. It was a lab-based essay...had to do a lot with the experiment. I really really suggest u keep it simple. Trust me you'll do much better if the topic is simple but focused.
Reply 7
Ok thanks guys, but the topic is my problem... I am brainstorming all the time to get an idea but it is hard,,,
Reply 8
you still didn't find a topic? brainstorming isnt gnna help you if you keep doing it. Just decide on a topic and stick to it. And no matter how hard or little resources you have fight for it... that's what WoOoW did:P she has hers done now... I think it was about natrual hair dyes
Reply 9
Ok, now I got something
What about the way oil is refined in different processes and ends up as plastics and so on. Then do somekind of experiment.
Reply 10
Yes but be careful. Please think of something concrete and an experiment that you can actually perform. I said 'orange juice' that is something. But then I realized that my experiment was lame and was basically a measurement of the amount of ascorbic acid in orange juice. So I panicked and instead modified my experiment (same title) the most possible. I actually ended up doing a great EE but it took hell long (ca. 100 hours lab work, 300 hours in total) which is way more than what you should use.
Ok, I get it. I will try with polymertechniques and the process from oil and forward. I dont know if I will success but it is worth a try.
Reply 12
Do data tables and graphs contibute to word count in a science EE??

I mean like Data Collection and Processing (do the tables in there count at all)???
Reply 13
From the Extended Essay guide:
The Length of the Extended Essay
The upper limit is 4000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include:

the abstract


the contents page

maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables

the references/bibliography


now its it. This week i have to decide and I still havent decided my topic. This really kills me!About that biodisel thing. Do youknow if your friend could share any facts of how he/she did it?
Reply 15
Dude, I did my EE in chemistry in Chemistry and it was about Biodiesel at a school level. My advice for you is just to find something up and coming in the news and that affects our society, biofuels, enviormentally aware issues like distillation of sea water without the use of petroleum based fuels...something on the lines of "our society"
Doesn't the essay have to be some kind of investigation?
Actually I have already made experiments on biodiesel but now i realize that i have no idea what to investigate! The production of the biodiesel went just fine but now what. Any idea of what to investigate? Do I have to investigate anything?
Reply 17
Yes, you have to investigate something - that's the whole point. =/

Usually, you figure out what you want to investigate, then design an experiment to do so. Not the other way round!
Yea, I have realized that as well, the thing is that it's a bit too late to change project now, so i would need some help on what to investigate.
So, finally, i will investigate the diffenrence of internal energy when using different vegetalbe oils in the prodution of the biodiesel.