The Student Room Group

Merton or Magdalen?

Hi, just taking a break from revision and decided to see what information I could get here about oxford colleges.

I'm planning to apply for Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (a classics course with hardly any language for the vast majority of people who've never heard of it) and my current colleges of preference are Magdalen and Merton. I have been to look round Magdalen and loved it (of course, who wouldn'nt) but Merton's academic reputation is tempting and as I'm a bit of a work obsessive I don't mind about the (apparently) empty bar etc.

Basically, any comments would be really useful, or suggestions of other colleges which would be good (maybe st john's?). Especially about the tutors for archaeology/history/classics at these colleges.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Reply 1
Magdalen and Merton are two of the best Oxford colleges.
Reply 2
I've got a friend, who's going to Magdalen to do Ancient and Modern History. So that was his choice.
Reply 3
If you go to Magdalen, you really will have to be the Oxford type if you want to fit in, more so than other colleges. Magdalen is well known for its links with some of the top public schools. EVERYONE I met was the stereotypical Oxford type - although of course they will constantly tell you there is no such thing as an Oxford stereotype. Having an Oxford stereotype telling you there is no such thing as the Oxford stereotype was an image I'll remember for a long time!
Reply 4
When I was at Magdalen for interviews, there didn't seem to be many particularly posh candidates or current students, although I didn't notice many working class people either.
Reply 5
If you go to Magdalen, you really will have to be the Oxford type if you want to fit in, more so than other colleges. Magdalen is well known for its links with some of the top public schools.

admittedly i know people at magdalen who are from harrow/westminister/winchester etc. but more often than not its a surprise when you find out where people are from!

"Magdalen has no hidden agenda, and we do not discriminate against students from independent schools or against those from state schools. Over the last three years we have had applications from 250 schools who have never sent us an applicant before. In 2002 58% of our candidates were from state schools and 42% from independent schools: roughly the same proportions as in 2001. Our offers divide equally: 50% to state schools and 50% to independent schools."

which i think is probably similar to the uni average? quite a number of students are involved in the Target Schools & Access schemes. + lots of students are eligible for the uni bursary & there are generous student support/hardship funds.

from the college admissions website run by students

in response to Merton's academic reputation:

"Academically Magdalen is pretty hot stuff, usually in the top 5 colleges in the University and with around one third of our students achieving first class degrees, but without huge pressure from Tutors, who listen carefully to the student-run teaching feedback system. A vast library with 24-hour access is available to all Magdalen students, with new books being bought immediately on request, as well as specialist Law and History libraries. All this saves you time hunting across Oxford for the reading list."

don't know that many students there who describe themselves as "work obsessive" though, to be honest..passionate about their subject etc. but most that i know like having fun as well!

Reply 6
I met a final year classicist during my interviews at Magdalen and he was totally obsessed with his subject. I could see him getting all jumpy and excited as we passed the classics library on our way to Brasenose. And I guess thats pretty much the ethos throughout the college.

Most of the people I met during my interview period were very nice and friendly. There were a few posh types, but I guess thats true for all Oxford colleges.

A very important factor for some 'work obsessed' people is the library opening hours. Merton's library is NOT open 24 hrs a day.

In general, I think Magdalen's environment is just as conducive for study as Merton's, if not more.
my current colleges of preference are Magdalen and Merton.

Reply 8
thanks for everyone's help, it seems people here are quite keen on magdalen and although i'm definitely not an 'oxford stereotype' I don't really mind posh people at all (except their richness damn it).

also,just wanted to clarify work obsessive, I was a bit inaccurate with my words there. I meant that I tend to put my work before going out and enjoying myself and that though I am very very keen on history, archaeology and latin I don't spend all my time working (well, not now germans out the way anyway).

Anyway, does anyone know anything about the tutors/fellows at the two collges. I was interested to find that Merton has a professor of Classical Archaeology (my dream job) but what does anyone know about classics teaching in general at any of the colleges (not just Merton and Magdalen)?

Anyway, does anyone know anything about the tutors/fellows at the two collges. I was interested to find that Merton has a professor of Classical Archaeology (my dream job) but what does anyone know about classics teaching in general at any of the colleges (not just Merton and Magdalen)?

This is true. Also, the Warden of Merton (head of college) is Dame Professor Jessica Rawson who's one of the world's leading authorities on ancient chinese pottery. This means that if you were at Merton then she wouldn't hate you (which she does most people).
Merton really is very very nice, if you're a workaholic anyway. :wink:
Reply 10
Wow! ancient chinese pottery definitely sounds tempting, is there a reason why she hates everyone else?
These days it almost seems to be a given that heads of colleges hate their students :smile: Or at least it feels that way. Look at Hildas...
re: Merton

Jessica Rawson is just generally misanthropic. Rumour has it that it's because her husband ran away with the man next door.

The professor of archaeology was Jim Coulton, but he's left now, and he didn't teach undergrads anyway. I can't quite remember if they're getting a replacement yet or not.

Classics teaching in general at Merton is very good. We have one or two CAAHers a year, and they seem to enjoy themselves. Also 5 or 6 Classicists.
Three tutors left at the end of this year (including Jim Coulton), so everything's a bit up in the air, but there will definitely be an ancient history tutor by this year, and the archaeology side is done out of collge.

Merton is nice, and rich. I can recommend it! Plus it really isn't as psychotically hard-working as everyone implies. We're all just natural geniuses
Maudlin is in a different league to Merton college.

I'd advise Maudlin, but if you really want to go to Merton, then go for it.