The Student Room Group
Reply 1
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reasons please
Reply 3
If you're trying to get into medicine for the money - well, I'm really very sorry for the people who genuinely want to be doctors, and whose place at med school you'll be taking.

There are plenty of other careers out there if you want money.

I can't emphasise enough how much this means to me, and shattering someones dream of being a healthcare professional for the job itself, just so you can have a big pay packet at the end of it is just plain not fair and wrong.

Please if you are considering medicine for money above everything, please leave a place free for someone who truly wants to be a doctor - even if they were paid peanuts for it. I beg of you.

(about the op)

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Reply 5
If you're trying to get into medicine for the money - well, I'm really very sorry for the people who genuinely want to be doctors, and whose place at med school you'll be taking.

There are plenty of other careers out there if you want money.

I can't emphasise enough how much this means to me, and shattering someones dream of being a healthcare professional for the job itself, just so you can have a big pay packet at the end of it is just plain not fair and wrong.

Please if you are considering medicine for money above everything, please leave a place free for someone who truly wants to be a doctor - even if they were paid peanuts for it. I beg of you.


I dont want to be a doctor hence why i have applied to do neuroscience. I was talking about if a choice had to be made.
Reply 6
reasons please

None of those interest me.
Reply 7
Yes of course these people exist - which is why the grade boundaries and the numbers of people applying to these courses has increased.

I personally wanted to be a dentist - as weird as that may sound, from a young age... It's what I've wanted to be ever since I realised I needed to have a career.

Obviously I researched different careers etc, but always found myself coming back to dentistry because of the job it offered at the end of it. If grad dentists earnt a max cap of 30K a year starting on 12K then I still would have done it for the job itself.

I'm not getting into an argument about who truly wants to be in a job such as this, but it just hurts when people from what I have inferred such as the op want to be a doctor because of the financial rewards at the end of it.


EDIT: It's hardly a choice you can make off the top of your head now is it? Why anyone would hold a gun to your head and force you to choose.... I still think its about money.. but w/e... Dinner time.
Reply 8
Which one of the above would you be inclined to take as a career. I would have to say medicine for the sake of money:p:

This order
Medicine: interesting study, moderately interesting work. ok money.
Dentistry: actually probably pays better than medicine but is boring.
Pharmacy: the study is moderately interesting (pharmacology is fun ) but the work is boring
Optometry: the study and work are boring.
Forensic science: lousy work, very few jobs since the universities are pumping out graduates

Forensic science: lousy work, very few jobs since the universities are pumping out graduates

The work isn't always dull. However if you think you are going to get a job as a forensic scientist with a first degree in forensic science you can forget it!
Reply 11
Reply 12
Pharmacy... none of the others really interest me.
Reply 13
Medcine...more damanding, on your toes thinking, fantastic rewards (along with the inevitabilities), just very intellectually stimulating and challenging.