Muscle Strain: New onset neck pain is often from strained neck muscles caused by sleeping in an awkward position; cradling the telephone between neck and shoulder for an extended conversation; painting a ceiling; reading in bed; reaching for something that was difficult to get; sitting in the front row of a movie theater; looking at something that requires extreme bending or turning of neck; prolonged typing; and so on.
Reassurance: Prolonged turning of the head or working in an awkward position can cause muscle pain in the back of the neck. With treatment, the pain usually resolves in 1 to 2 weeks.
Local Cold Or Heat: During the first 2 days after a mild injury, apply a cold pack or an ice bag (wrapped in a towel) for 20 minutes four times a day. After 2 days, apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to the most painful area for 20 minutes whenever the pain flares up. Wrap hot water bottles or heating pads in a towel to avoid burns.

leep on your back, not the abdomen. Sleep with a neck collar - use a foam neck collar (from a pharmacy) OR a small towel wrapped around the neck (Reason: keep the head from moving too much during sleep).
Stretching Exercises:
After 48 hours of protecting the neck, begin gentle stretching exercises.
Improve the tone of the neck muscles with 2 or 3 minutes of gentle stretching exercises per day such as touching the chin to each shoulder, touching the ear to each shoulder, and moving the head forward and backward.
Don't apply any resistance during these stretching exercises.
Pain Medication: For pain relief, take acetaminophen every 4-6 hours (e.g. Tylenol; adult dosage 650 mg) OR ibuprofen every 6-8 hours (e.g. Advil, Motrin; adult dosage 400 mg).
Do not take ibuprofen if you have stomach problems, kidney disease, are pregnant, or have been told by your doctor to avoid this type of anti-inflammatory drug. Do not take ibuprofen for more than 7 days without consulting your doctor.
Do not take acetaminophen if you have liver disease.
Read the package instructions thoroughly on all medications that you take.
Good Body Mechanics:
Lifting: Stand close to the object to be lifted. Keep your back straight and lift by bending your legs. Ask for help if needed.
Sleeping: Sleep on a firm mattress.
Sitting: Avoid sitting for long periods of time without a break. Avoid slouching. Place a pillow or towel behind your lower back for support.
Computer screen: place at the level of your eyes.
Posture: Maintain good posture.
Avoid: Avoid triggers that overstress the neck such as working with the neck turned or bent backward, carrying heavy objects on the head, carrying heavy objects with one arm (instead of both arms), standing on the head, contact sports or even friendly wrestling.
Call Your Doctor If:
Numbness or weakness occurs
Bowel or bladder problems occur
Pain persists for more than 2 weeks
You become worse or develop any of the "Call Your Doctor" symptoms.