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Can't turn my head left

I woke up this morning and tried to turn over to my left and experienced pain in my neck. I just thought it was sore and massaging it would work, I managed to turn over to my left side twice with difficulty but now I'm out of bed I can't turn my head anywhere near my left! I have to kept it on the right hand side and slightly slating to stop myself experiencing any pain.

Whats wrong with it? Is it just sore and will go away as the day proceeds? Its Christmas Eve and on top of everything else I can't turn my head left now! Getting dressed was a struggle as when I bend I get pains in my neck as well. :frown:

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Reply 1
ouchy :frown: My gut feeling is you're sprained a muscle there, but I know absolutely nothing about neck and spinal muscles so I'll research it for you a little bit! If it is a sprained muscle it'll take a few days to clear up!

:hugs: ;console;
Reply 2
Yup, I'm almost right...tis a strain.

Muscle Strain: New onset neck pain is often from strained neck muscles caused by sleeping in an awkward position; cradling the telephone between neck and shoulder for an extended conversation; painting a ceiling; reading in bed; reaching for something that was difficult to get; sitting in the front row of a movie theater; looking at something that requires extreme bending or turning of neck; prolonged typing; and so on.

Reassurance: Prolonged turning of the head or working in an awkward position can cause muscle pain in the back of the neck. With treatment, the pain usually resolves in 1 to 2 weeks.
Local Cold Or Heat: During the first 2 days after a mild injury, apply a cold pack or an ice bag (wrapped in a towel) for 20 minutes four times a day. After 2 days, apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to the most painful area for 20 minutes whenever the pain flares up. Wrap hot water bottles or heating pads in a towel to avoid burns.
Sleep:s-smilie:leep on your back, not the abdomen. Sleep with a neck collar - use a foam neck collar (from a pharmacy) OR a small towel wrapped around the neck (Reason: keep the head from moving too much during sleep).
Stretching Exercises:
After 48 hours of protecting the neck, begin gentle stretching exercises.
Improve the tone of the neck muscles with 2 or 3 minutes of gentle stretching exercises per day such as touching the chin to each shoulder, touching the ear to each shoulder, and moving the head forward and backward.
Don't apply any resistance during these stretching exercises.
Pain Medication: For pain relief, take acetaminophen every 4-6 hours (e.g. Tylenol; adult dosage 650 mg) OR ibuprofen every 6-8 hours (e.g. Advil, Motrin; adult dosage 400 mg).
Do not take ibuprofen if you have stomach problems, kidney disease, are pregnant, or have been told by your doctor to avoid this type of anti-inflammatory drug. Do not take ibuprofen for more than 7 days without consulting your doctor.
Do not take acetaminophen if you have liver disease.
Read the package instructions thoroughly on all medications that you take.
Good Body Mechanics:
Lifting: Stand close to the object to be lifted. Keep your back straight and lift by bending your legs. Ask for help if needed.
Sleeping: Sleep on a firm mattress.
Sitting: Avoid sitting for long periods of time without a break. Avoid slouching. Place a pillow or towel behind your lower back for support.
Computer screen: place at the level of your eyes.
Posture: Maintain good posture.
Avoid: Avoid triggers that overstress the neck such as working with the neck turned or bent backward, carrying heavy objects on the head, carrying heavy objects with one arm (instead of both arms), standing on the head, contact sports or even friendly wrestling.
Call Your Doctor If:
Numbness or weakness occurs
Bowel or bladder problems occur
Pain persists for more than 2 weeks
You become worse or develop any of the "Call Your Doctor" symptoms.

Reply 3
This is just an attempt to get me to change my sig, isn't it? Now you're being nice to me. But still :hugs: :ta: But no, sig stays. :p:
yeah its a sprain. didnt sleep properly or something.
Reply 5
No, its an attempt at caring. :smile:

I really dont give two hoots about your sig tbh :biggrin: Or even one hoot!
Reply 6
No, its an attempt at caring. :smile:

I really dont give two hoots about your sig tbh :biggrin: Or even one hoot!

Gently massage it, do a couple soft neck exercises, have a glass of water and have breakfast - yeah all of that/bit of this and you'll prolly be fine in an hour. If not, I guess see your uni doctor.

EDIT: Providing he/she is not away on vacation. :smile:
Neck pain is so bad, mine took a week to heal.
Reply 9
:eek: have you cricked you neck? Trapped a nerve

I've done it a few times, and you cant move your neck very well to one side.

Did you hear it make like a crack sound at all or did you just wake up and it hurt?

When i hurt mine i found getting a hot water bottle and holding it on my neck helped to move it. Also taking paracetmol and ibruprofen helped the pain.

I hope it gets better soon mine was really painful. It still hurt for about a week but got alot better after a few days.

Ok just a random question. Are your shoulders level? Becuase when i've done it one of my shoulders drops lower than the other.
Reply 10
I agree with what someone else said about the excersises

Lay on the floor and one at a time lift your arms up into the air and put it as far behind to your head as you can

also try moving your neck into the pain, but not so much the pain is unbearable just slightly.

Hope ^^ this helps :biggrin:
Reply 11
I didn't hear any crack sound, just woke up this morning and found it hurt. I think its muscle spasms rather than a sprain as I get shoots of pain when I move my head to the left and I get them in my left arm as well as my neck, which suggests my neck isn't sprained. I've been massaging it a bit but it doesn't seem to help. I'm going to leave exercises for later as right now I can't get my arms round the back of my head as I found out when I tried to tie my hair up!

But thanls for the help everyone! Might try the hot water bottle idea later.
I did this exact thing a few weeks ago and bored my family into a coma by complaining about it! It did go after a couple of days though, but i did find a way of making it feel temporarily better:
while my neck was painful, I had my birthday at a local club, and because of all the dancing/hugging/wandering around, it felt a lot better. I think if you keep it moving, it feels a lot better for a short while. Sadly it might stiffen up afterwards...

Hope you feel better soon!
Happy Christmas
Reply 13
Ok just a random question. Are your shoulders level? Becuase when i've done it one of my shoulders drops lower than the other.

Yeah, my shoulders are uneven, the left is lower. Does that mean something has clicked out of place and trying to click it back into place might solve it?
OP: Have you seen Zoolander?
Yeah, my shoulders are uneven, the left is lower. Does that mean something has clicked out of place and trying to click it back into place might solve it?

If this is the problem then I strongly suggest you go see a chiropractor or at least a massage therapist instead of snapping yourself to bits :smile:
Reply 16
This has happened to me a few times and its awful! Although I've never had it as bad as you've explained. I find that Deep heat spray or muscle rub helps a lot but yours might need a bit more than just deep heat! I wouldn't worry too much though, it should heal by the end of today/tomorrow
Can't turn my head left
Reminds me of zoolander :biggrin: just turn 270 to the right, problem solved
Reply 18
OP: Have you seen Zoolander?

No, I haven't. :confused:

Reminds me of zoolander just turn 270 to the right, problem solved

Done! It still hurts..... Problem not solved. :frown:
Reply 19
What i usually do when that happens if take two of them pink sugar coated ibuprofen pills which taste like skittles, then get someone to give me a massage. And try putting a hot waterbottle on your pillow by your neck i think that might help:smile: