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Speaking to people would be a good start.
In party:
1. Say hello.
2. Engage in conversation.
3. Get progressively drunker.
4. Somebody lunges.

In club: same only without step 2.
Reply 3
Huw Davies
In party:
1. Say hello.
2. Engage in conversation.
3. Get progressively drunker.
4. Somebody lunges.

In club: same only without step 2.

hahaha. good post.
Reply 4
if you are a girl : wear a short skirt, stand with less attractive girls, and dance suggestively
This method is guaranteed to attract sleezy men particularly of advanced age.
If you are a guy : look for the girl described above
Reply 5

girls...eye contact...that's all you need to bring a lad over init??
Reply 6
what is the first thing you say to the girls when approaching them, surely not a sleazy "how are you, baby?" or something or that effect, right?
Reply 7
Act confident and go up to every girl until one hangs around for more than 10 seconds. If she does and hasnt hung around to hit you, you're in and kiss her. :wink:
Reply 8
unless the other girls in the club see you doing this and they'll think you're an idiot haha :smile:
Actually, I just got this book (The Game) from one of my housemates for xmas and it focuses on how to get women. Most of the stuff is pretty simple, but here's a super condensed form:

1) You have to actually chat to them in order to get anywhere so get over any lack of confidence you have and just go for it - they aren't going to tell you to f_ off!
2) Go over and chat, speak normally and don't be intense or weird. You can open with something like the following: Hey! I hope you don't mind, but I really need a woman's perspective on something . . . . I have this housemate and his ex gf is bla bla bla . . . . is it reasonable of her? (you get the idea)
3) Be confident and don't appear too interested in her . . . don't pay her lots of compliments but be polite and attentive. In fact, mild putdowns are suggested: i.e. You seem really nice, you kind of remind me of my little sister . . . she's so sweet. (Here you've said a nice thing but at the same time suggested she's too young for you - you're playing hard to get but not being rude)
4) Make her laugh.
5) When she is getting really into you, tell her you enjoyed the conversation but have to go chat to your friends - she'll want to prolong it but you are in control.
6) See her later on the dancefloor and you can go over and dance/chat like old friends.
7) BANG!

Well . . .. that's one strategy from the book :wink:
Reply 10
being chatty and approachable is helpful. otherwise just go for it. whats the worst that can happen
Reply 11
Actually, I just got this book (The Game) from one of my housemates for xmas and it focuses on how to get women. Most of the stuff is pretty simple, but here's a super condensed form:

1) You have to actually chat to them in order to get anywhere so get over any lack of confidence you have and just go for it - they aren't going to tell you to f_ off!
2) Go over and chat, speak normally and don't be intense or weird. You can open with something like the following: Hey! I hope you don't mind, but I really need a woman's perspective on something . . . . I have this housemate and his ex gf is bla bla bla . . . . is it reasonable of her? (you get the idea)
3) Be confident and don't appear too interested in her . . . don't pay her lots of compliments but be polite and attentive. In fact, mild putdowns are suggested: i.e. You seem really nice, you kind of remind me of my little sister . . . she's so sweet. (Here you've said a nice thing but at the same time suggested she's too young for you - you're playing hard to get but not being rude)
4) Make her laugh.
5) When she is getting really into you, tell her you enjoyed the conversation but have to go chat to your friends - she'll want to prolong it but you are in control.
6) See her later on the dancefloor and you can go over and dance/chat like old friends.
7) BANG!

Well . . .. that's one strategy from the book :wink:

Seems a bit long and you wouldnt have chance to then go and find someone else if she wasnt up for going home with you :wink:

I think my idea is far easier...
Maybe. I don't really use tactics but I don't really go out aiming to pull . . . it just happens randomly.

I normally hang with my friends (mixed sex) and enjoy myself, chatting to anyone (male or female) just in a friendly way and then some girls will kind of try it on or whatever . . .
Reply 13
Employ the 'get yer coat, love...' line.

Reply 14
Lib North
Employ the 'get yer coat, love...' line.


Tried and tested is that? :wink:
^ Lol!
Tried and tested is that? :wink:

got top marks off the bdsm crew... they do anything for a slapping:P
Reply 17
If you're at a club you probably won't be able to chat becuase the music will be too loud. So try to impress with your dance moves and slowly get closer to a girl who you are attracted to....and then do a drinking gesture to find out if they want a drink, it should be pretty easy after that. Only ask if they want a dirnk if they've danced with you otherwise they may accept your drink but then show no interest in you after.

If you're a girl....i don't know. :confused:
Which is bad becuase i'm a girl :blush:
Reply 18
Who needs conversation, or even chat up lines. Pulled a girl in a club few weeks back without a single word being exchaged. Awesome
In fact, mild putdowns are suggested: i.e. You seem really nice, you kind of remind me of my little sister . . . she's so sweet. /QUOTE]

huh?? surely u'd come across like a weirdo...pullin some1 who reminds u of ure sister?? i'd be freaked out!