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Reply 1
Meh, that's because it's the smallest college. Has quite a few posh people in it. Has some huuuge rooms. Has a rubbish bar.
Reply 2
Meh, that's because it's the smallest college. Has quite a few posh people in it. Has some huuuge rooms. Has a rubbish bar.

It's not rubbish, it's just small and in the basement. I don't think any bars in Durham are "rubbish" since I'm still in amazement at having a bar in the place that you live.

However, compared to the REST of the colleges it's not amazing. But not the worst.
Reply 3
It's not rubbish, it's just small and in the basement. I don't think any bars in Durham are "rubbish" since I'm still in amazement at having a bar in the place that you live.

However, compared to the REST of the colleges it's not amazing. But not the worst.

Okay, it's small and rubbish compared to Trevs bar :p:
Reply 4
...Few international students?

By "posh people", do you mean rahs?

Anyway, the college has the best law library among all the colleges?
Reply 5
Is that a question or a statement?

Yeah, Chad's probably has fewer international students than the other colleges, because it is the smallest one! But that shouldn't matter - everyone in Durham is lovely and I'm sure you'll love it there. :biggrin:
Reply 6
what do you mean exactly by quite a few posh people, posh as in ...

and I have an offer form St Chad's - I Thought it seemed one of the best colleges when i went to look around.
Reply 7
Posh as in not my cup of tea. But then I've never liked tea.
Reply 8
Me neither. A source of great perplexity and vexation to my granny.
Reply 9
I love tea!!! It's the nicest drink in the world....I always said that if they could make an alcoholic tea (which tasted of regular tea) then I would be the happiest man in the world, and would carry a teapot of it around in my rucksack :biggrin:
Reply 10
Mmm...tea. I'm drinking tea right now. :biggrin:
Reply 11
I'm drinking Whittard's white chocolate and praline hot chocolate. I win!
Reply 12
I'm drinking Whittard's white chocolate and praline hot chocolate. I win!

Eugh. I hate that stuff!
Reply 13
Im an international in Chad's and I'm loving it!! :-D. It's true that we're not that many internationals, but we're still many enough, and if you'd feel you want to meet more people with whom you can speak your mother tongue/cook/whatever you can always join one of the international societies. Also, as someone said, everyone is lovely so I really wouldn't worry. I don't know about the law library (I wouldn't...I'm not doing law), but it does ring a bell when you say it's good... I like Chad's because it's small and has a quite homey-feeling. And also, the bar isn't all.
I've applied to Chad's because I think it looks great and like somewhere I'd really fit in. Plus I like the colour green. But it's been on "application received by college; decision has not yet been made" for quite a while so I expect I'll be put somewhere else...

Also, white hot choc is the worst. Mint hot choc all the way!
Reply 15
I've applied to Chad's because I think it looks great and like somewhere I'd really fit in. Plus I like the colour green. But it's been on "application received by college; decision has not yet been made" for quite a while so I expect I'll be put somewhere else...

Also, white hot choc is the worst. Mint hot choc all the way!

Yeah, Chad's looks great! I've applied there and got an offer so I'm really looking forward to October. Good luck, I hope you get in! :biggrin: What course will you be doing?

And eurgh...anything with mint in it tastes like toothpaste!
Reply 16
But it's been on "application received by college; decision has not yet been made" for quite a while so I expect I'll be put somewhere else...

Not necessarily, it might just be that the department is being slow passing on applications and that the college is just awaiting ALL of their applications for that subject before making decisions - so don't worry too much :smile:

(But don't blame me if you are moved, hehe :wink:)
Yeah, Chad's looks great! I've applied there and got an offer so I'm really looking forward to October. Good luck, I hope you get in! :biggrin: What course will you be doing?

And eurgh...anything with mint in it tastes like toothpaste!

Thanks, I've applied for Archaeology (which has been accepted by the dept) and Combined Arts (for which I doubt I'll get an offer, or if I do I won't meet it :rolleyes: ).

And ah, see, I use Power Rangers blue flavour toothpaste, so my tongue makes no connection :p:

Not necessarily, it might just be that the department is being slow passing on applications and that the college is just awaiting ALL of their applications for that subject before making decisions - so don't worry too much

I hope so! Also, a couple of weeks were Christmas, so I suppose it hasn't been THAT long really. Though I thought college places were purely first-come-first-served?
Reply 18
I hope so! Also, a couple of weeks were Christmas, so I suppose it hasn't been THAT long really. Though I thought college places were purely first-come-first-served?

Rubbish! What kind of system would that be? :p:

I don't know about other colleges (though I'm sure it's the same in all!) Trevs the Senior Tutor (Maggie Prestwich) is seen as a complete legend by the students - simply because she is in charge of EVERY application, filters through everyone, and has A LOT of say in who gets in and who doesn't - you get there on your first day and introduce yourself to her and she's like "Oh yes..." and will know everything about you! She puts people in landing groups and assigns shared rooms - she does an AMAZING job at this with the vast majority of people loving the people they share a landing/room with!

In other words - the people deciding who gets into college do not just go "OK we've got the first 10, no more" - they look at a lot of attributes (particularly your personal statement) to see whether they would enjoy having you as part of the college community :smile: If not - they send you elsewhere!

It's why Trevs is full of awesomely talented, committed, interesting, and funny people :biggrin: :wink: hehe
I see! Very interesting... but surely some colleges must be much more lenient about who they let in, or at least be looking for very different things from a student, otherwise some dull person might end up getting passed round and round?! I got into Chad's last year, so hopefully they'll still want me XD