i think there is some credence in what you speak about. The replies you’re received on here obviously don’t comprehend what you’re getting at. Electrical devices omit EMF’s which we all should know are bad for us.Mobile phones being the number one danger and contender. i had a biometric body scan and it showed higher levels of EMF around my lady garden area. I’ve actually held my vibrator up against an EMF monitor and it started beeping and showed red as high levels and dangerous. So your hypothesis is completely feasible and as something i’ve often wondered myself, hence why i’m digging a little deeper into that theory to see what comes up. I believe it may cause temporary damage to your cells in that area but you can hopefully replenish healthy ones in due course if you live a relatively healthy life and with some abstinence. People use massagers and vibration machines to aid them, so the question is, do they actually do more harm than good or does the good outweigh the harm they may cause? You are wise to question such things.