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Reply 1
I don't mean to spam, but YEAAY! you figured it out:biggrin: not wait about 5 hours for someong to get on here and answer you o.Ob and zackinboltimore if you're out there help the poor soul:P

off topic :FORZA AZZURI:smile: sorry had to get that out of my system:P
what do you need help with? might want to elaborate on the problem a bit. I can (perhaps) help you on the cubics one but its been a long while, and I might not remember everything. I remember the general gist though considering that portfolio was hellish and I spent ages on it.
Reply 3
thank you for answering..
um okay so i need help with the proof of the conjecture:
The tangent equation of the line to the cubic equation at the average of two roots intersects the cubic equation again at the third root.
can i send you a pm with the proof i have so far? because i can't copy my work onto here since i used a program to write it..

and i also dont know how to find a cubic equation with one real root and 2 complex roots.. like for instance if the roots are -5, 2+i, and 2-i how would i make an equation from that:s-smilie:..

and do you remember if you came up with more than one conjecture?
last question: how many pages was yours?

thank you so much!
right. cubic with 1 real and 2 imaginary. it's just (x-5)(x-(2+i))(x-(2-i)) crucial that you have the brackets around the imaginary part.

yeah PM with the proof though I predict I wont be able to help much because the proof drove me mad and my teacher practically showed me how to do half of it as I was majorly confused.
Reply 5
do you remember how many pages yours was, HMS?
30 handwritten? but I didn't copy out every single line of proof. I only put down the important lines.
Hey, all those who need help on the Series and Induction or Koch Snowflake Task I can PM me for help, ive completed 95% of the Series and induction one (stuck on #5 for Series and Induction) and all of the Koch Snowflake one. Im currently working on my Task II and I have a choice between Flow Rate and Radiometric Dating, Ive sort of started both of them but i need lots of help and its due Monday. Anyone who can help me on either please PM me. Thanks a lot.:smile:
Reply 8
Sorry I can't be of much help. I haven't done that portfolio yet. If you need help with the "Type II: Orbital Radii...", I can most definately help you out on that one. That one is pretty easy, actually.

I think the next one we get is going to be a Type I. I'm kind of looking forward to it, even though I wasn't able to get an answer for ANY of the problems I had for homework last night.
Reply 9
I can definately help you with flow rate.. if you can help me a bit with radiometric..

zackinbaltimore: when you say orbital radii do you mean the radiometric one is that a different one? but if its radiometric can you help me with the second part perhaps..
No, there's a radiometric Type II (no idea what that's about) and there's an Orbital Radii of Jupiter and its Moons. I did that one (Orbital radii). I went did and thought it was soo easy until I hit like the last question. I think I got a little confused and completely mixed up what two models they were talking about they compared the wrong ones. But I did end up with a 6 for my Portfolio so I can't have done that badly.
Reply 11
No, there's a radiometric Type II (no idea what that's about) and there's an Orbital Radii of Jupiter and its Moons. I did that one (Orbital radii). I went did and thought it was soo easy until I hit like the last question. I think I got a little confused and completely mixed up what two models they were talking about they compared the wrong ones. But I did end up with a 6 for my Portfolio so I can't have done that badly.

I did the one called "Orbital Radii of the Solar System Planets and the Moons of Jupiter", or something to that end. Yeah, we did this one as a practice portfolio. It was really, really easy; there was a reason he did it first. It requires slim to no complex HL math. The last part of it requires a little time a thought, but it shouldn't be hard.

I'm pretty sure you don't have to do this one, though. Why is everyone getting portfolios now?
I did the one called "Orbital Radii of the Solar System Planets and the Moons of Jupiter", or something to that end. Yeah, we did this one as a practice portfolio. It was really, really easy; there was a reason he did it first. It requires slim to no complex HL math. The last part of it requires a little time a thought, but it shouldn't be hard.

this one was one of May06's tasks isn't it? We were supposed to do it as practice but then my teacher said, neve mind, just do one and count it. There was no complex HL math. It was a lot of stuff on the computer if you have a good graphing program and some polynomial and some thoughts to what they exactly mean with the questions.
Reply 13
Yeah, it was a May '06 Task, I'm pretty sure. I got a 21 on it though. He wouldn't give me that last point for "extraordinary effort", or something like that. :mad: Something like that. It's ok, though.
Reply 14
Yeah, it was a May '06 Task, I'm pretty sure. I got a 21 on it though. He wouldn't give me that last point for "extraordinary effort", or something like that. :mad: Something like that. It's ok, though.

Uhm, aren't Maths portfolios always graded out of 20? In any case, well done :biggrin:
Reply 15
Hahahah yes. I didn't realize that until I was in school today. For some reason I thought they were out of 22.

No, scratch that. I actually got a 22 on a 20-point assignment. I'm just that beast at writing portfolios. :biggrin:
Reply 16
Haha. Imagine your teacher submitting a 42/40 for your internal assessment :biggrin:
definitely will be moderated/ :biggrin: probably by a lot.... :p:
Reply 18
elllooo....ummm i would really appreciate it if sum1 could kindly help me with my zeros of cubic functions portfolio...i am having difficulties with most of it....please PM me if u have the method to do the part where it asks

" then, taking the roots two at a time, find the equations of the tangent lines to the average of the two of the three roots. find where the tangetn lines at the average of the two roots intersect the curve again. Does this observation hold regardless of which two roots you average? state a conjecture concerning the roots of the cubic and the tangent lines at the average value of these two roots.

plsplsppslspslspslspslspsll!!! i just need a step by step method for this....answerign each thing they ask for.....and i'l do it myself....
Reply 19
this one was one of May06's tasks isn't it?

The list of tasks that can be used to be sent for actual moderation have been the same since 2006. They are due to be revised this year for the May 2009 candidates. There are no new tasks sent to schools every year so there is no such thing as a May 2006 task, as for example the planets task can be used even for 2007 and 2008 candidates since it's on the official list. Teachers give out practice tasks but if these are sent as actual samples for moderation the student incurs a VERY heavy penalty.