Hey, I know this thread was started AAAGEES ago, but I'm really confused!
I'm looking to Fine art as well (I'm starting my applications now) and I really don't know where to go. I'm really interested in Art History as well and Goldsmiths Fine Art and Art History seems pretty perfect. However lots of people are saying any Fine Arts courses has the history included and that I should go for a Fine Arts course at Saint Martins.
Do you guys think you could help me out and give me your opinions? What is the Art Practice like at Goldsmiths, and you're experience there?
Any opinions on CSM/Chelsea? How come I don't see much talk about these places?
I've looked at Slade, but for an international student, it's really expensive!
I'm really interested in Goldsmiths, but this student life thing is raising some doubts.
Please help!
Thank you!