The Student Room Group

"Cure" for homosexuality

I just stumbled upon this interesting technology piece:

While the technology doesn't actually exist in a form that could be used on humans yet (at least not in a way acceptable in the west), this is an intriguing 'if' or 'when' subject because much sympathy currently comes from the belief that homosexuality is some uncontrollable aspect of a person's nature.

Would the view that homosexuality is some form of disease be more widespread once again should it be seen as something that can be cured?

Would parental preference lead to the extinction of homosexuality in a few generations?

Taking a wholly different approach, should it be allowed for parents to use technology like this in reverse, turning a child gay if they so chose?

If there are any other things the subject makes you think of, feel free to say them :smile:

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Reply 1
i can't understand why there is so much research going into trying to 'cure' homosexuality. why can't people let others life the life that they want to lead!
I just stumbled upon this interesting technology piece:

While the technology doesn't actually exist in a form that could be used on humans yet (at least not in a way acceptable in the west), this is an intriguing 'if' or 'when' subject because much sympathy currently comes from the belief that homosexuality is some uncontrollable aspect of a person's nature.

Would the view that homosexuality is some form of disease be more widespread once again should it be seen as something that can be cured?

Would parental preference lead to the extinction of homosexuality in a few generations?

Taking a wholly different approach, should it be allowed for parents to use technology like this in reverse, turning a child gay if they so chose?

If there are any other things the subject makes you think of, feel free to say them :smile:

very charged language
1) i don't sympathise with people being gay. i sympathise with the cr*p they take from idiots.
2) despite what some say, there are not enough gay people to cause population issues. of more concern is fertility treatments, and better health care for children.
3) there are consent issues with using such things on children
Reply 3
Nice to see how the Bible brigade are interfering again, because Homosexuality is such a hideous disease. :rolleyes:
Reply 4
i can't understand why there is so much research going into trying to 'cure' homosexuality. why can't people let others life the life that they want to lead!

Ah, well the actual research linked deals with goats - apparently a large number of goats are gay and this reduces production. I linked it because it's a possible thing to come soon that would have a major impact on the world.

I doubt forcibly de-gaying (lack of a better word :smile:) adults would be accepted in a developed country, but what about for young children and babies who will have no objection?

Imagine the irony if the old "homosexuality is bad because it's unnatural" argument was turned on its head: "homosexuality is good because it's natural".
Reply 5
very charged language
1) i don't sympathise with people being gay. i sympathise with the cr*p they take from idiots.
2) despite what some say, there are not enough gay people to cause population issues. of more concern is fertility treatments, and better health care for children.
3) there are consent issues with using such things on children

If you're talking about the Register, they have a laugh. If you meant me, I had to spend extra time ensuring my language wasn't charged, since I'm far from experienced when it comes to dealing with this subject. Looks like that didn't go too far :smile:

I'm not sure where population issues with humans came from. I did, however, suggest that homosexuals could become a dying breed. Would parents have gay children if they could help it?
Ah, well the actual research linked deals with goats - apparently a large number of goats are gay and this reduces production. I linked it because it's a possible thing to come soon that would have a major impact on the world.

I doubt forcibly de-gaying (lack of a better word :smile:) adults would be accepted in a developed country, but what about for young children and babies who will have no objection?

Imagine the irony if the old "homosexuality is bad because it's unnatural" argument was turned on its head: "homosexuality is good because it's natural".

there is no such thing as good and bad in nature.
Reply 7
Mad Vlad
Nice to see how the Bible brigade are interfering again, because Homosexuality is such a hideous disease. :rolleyes:

The research is for non-religious purposes and carried out by secular institutions as far as I can see.
Reply 8
there is no such thing as good and bad in nature.

Are you like, the ghost of G.E. Moore? :wink:
Reply 9
i can't understand why there is so much research going into trying to 'cure' homosexuality. why can't people let others life the life that they want to lead!

They don't care about "curing" it in people. They are interested in sheep. To a farmer, a gay ram is completely useless. If it won't mate, it'll probably just be killed.

It's just unfortunate that some people will want to apply it to humans.
Reply 10
Most people, I suppose, if presented with the choice, would opt to have a heterosexual child. Therefore, perhaps, in the future, the gay population will rapidly decline, at least in countries with the means to adopt the technology. I do not see a problem with the implications. Can anyone?
They don't care about "curing" it in people. They are interested in sheep. To a farmer, a gay ram is completely useless. If it won't mate, it'll probably just be killed.

It's just unfortunate that some people will want to apply it to humans.

indeed, i'm just curious in to how long it will be before somebody proposes that research should be done on people...
Reply 12
Since when has any kind of research on sheep actually worked on humans?! They said when Dolly was cloned it would lead to human cloning, has it? Again, this won't lead to anything, as much as some people might want it to.

The research perhaps proved one thing tho, gayness is a nature rather than a nurture effect...?

Reply 13
The research perhaps proved one thing tho, gayness is a nature rather than a nurture effect...?


You think THIS nonsense constitues scientific proof??!!??!!

What a waste of research funds... I can't believe you are reading into the implications of such nonsense... If you think real neuroscientists properly understand anything the scientific basic behind thinks like consciousness, emotions and love then you need a radical rethink...

Not to mention how the research was done... You are all assuming that these scientists found out anything... I distinctly doubt it... Quite how would they do this... showing gay sheep porn to gay sheep in CT scanners to get them horney?... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Since when has any kind of research on sheep actually worked on humans?! They said when Dolly was cloned it would lead to human cloning, has it? Again, this won't lead to anything, as much as some people might want it to.

how can you be so sure?
Reply 15

You think THIS nonsense constitues scientific proof??!!??!!

What a waste of research funds... I can't believe you are reading into the implications of such nonsense... If you think real neuroscientists properly understand anything the scientific basic behind thinks like consciousness, emotions and love then you need a radical rethink...

Not to mention how the research was done... You are all assuming that these scientists found out anything... I distinctly doubt it... Quite how would they do this... showing gay sheep porn to gay sheep in CT scanners to get them horney?... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It wasn't a statement, rather a question/thought.
Reply 16,,2087-2524408,00.html
Same story from the Times.

I can't help but feel there's an agenda behind all this testing. If they can do it to animals, what's to stop them from doing it to humans - particularly religious parents who are paranoid that their children are going to be gay. They're not going to object to a potential "cure" for a "sinful disease" and it wouldn't take into account the thoughts of the Child whatsoever.

And then there's where else this technology could take us - being injected with hormones to make us not violent? Ironing out the flaws in society using drugs at pre-natal development or at birth?
Reply 17
how can you be so sure?

Of what, the lack of human cloning or that this research will never work? Both of which can be answered by ethics and morals, i don't think the West would ever allow human cloning (i.e. having a living breathing clone of yourself, not cloning kidneys to save your life in the future) and i don't think in the PC charged world we live in and increasing tolerance towards gays that this research, if it works will ever be used on Humans.

So, this research is irrelevent in terms of the human aspect because morally and ethically it will not be used on humans. On sheep however, it is very relevent as it means a previously useless ram becomes useful, saving that rams life, not really surprising bearing in mind the research was meant for sheep, not humans.

Reply 18
Mad Vlad
And then there's where else this technology could take us - being injected with hormones to make us not violent? Ironing out the flaws in society using drugs at pre-natal development or at birth?

It seems a logical next step - we already pretty much organise our society scientifically so why not the people? Parents only naturally will want the best children they can have, so I can't see anyone being able to stop it. I can't say it'll be all bad if we all end up being good citizens, 6 foot 2 and with hollywood good looks.
Of what, the lack of human cloning or that this research will never work? Both of which can be answered by ethics and morals, i don't think the West would ever allow human cloning (i.e. having a living breathing clone of yourself, not cloning kidneys to save your life in the future) and i don't think in the PC charged world we live in and increasing tolerance towards gays that this research, if it works will ever be used on Humans.

So, this research is irrelevent in terms of the human aspect because morally and ethically it will not be used on humans. On sheep however, it is very relevent as it means a previously useless ram becomes useful, saving that rams life, not really surprising bearing in mind the research was meant for sheep, not humans.


yes perhaps. but you seem to forget that there will allways be someone out there, more then willing to go against these objections and try. there maybe increasing tolerance towards gays but there is still a significant amount of intolerance too.