The Student Room Group

AS/A Level Chemistry Evening Classes in London


No idea where this topic goes on this forum but I'm busting my nut trying to find an answer.

I'm currently studying at university in East London and am looking for evening classes in AS/A level Chemistry. Since I'm studying at university I can't really commit to part-time day courses because I have lectures and practicals.

The only one I've been able to find has been in Hammersmith and since I live in East London that'd be an extremely long journey to undergo. I only live 20 minutes from central London so surely there must be something out there closer than Hammersmith.

Thank you for your help.
This should be useful :smile:
Reply 2
Thank you :smile:
No probs (thanks for the rep :smile:)
Reply 4
Southwark College offer evening A level classes in chemistry

I went there last year and followed the A2 class (I'd already done A level chem at school but that had been 6 years before so I needed a refresher)

They offer it as a two year course (3 hours per week) or one year AS + A2 intensive (6 hours per week)but I wouldn't recommend the last option as I don't think it's possible to fully understand and get a feel for the subject in such a short time.

It's a very popular course as ppl wanting to get on the graduate Med school courses have A level chem as a requirement, so make sure you sign up for it on the first available enrolment day (I took a day off work and queued outside for 2 hours)
Reply 5
Thanks for this - trying to wade through all the distance learning providers that appeared when I Googled 'A2 Chemistry' was a bugger :wink:
Reply 6
Original post by oceane

Original post by oceane
Southwark College offer evening A level classes in chemistry

I went there last year and followed the A2 class (I'd already done A level chem at school but that had been 6 years before so I needed a refresher)

They offer it as a two year course (3 hours per week) or one year AS + A2 intensive (6 hours per week)but I wouldn't recommend the last option as I don't think it's possible to fully understand and get a feel for the subject in such a short time.

It's a very popular course as ppl wanting to get on the graduate Med school courses have A level chem as a requirement, so make sure you sign up for it on the first available enrolment day (I took a day off work and queued outside for 2 hours)

Hi Oceane :smile:

Just a few quick questions about Southwark... Do they teach you from scratch if you've never taken Science a levels before?

And also, do you take your exams with them? How did you find it there?

Reply 7
Original post by TheEve
Hi Oceane :smile:

Just a few quick questions about Southwark... Do they teach you from scratch if you've never taken Science a levels before?

And also, do you take your exams with them? How did you find it there?


Hi Eve, sorry, I don't come on thestudentroom very often nowadays. It was 5 years ago since my time at Southwark so bear in mind things may have changed....It was a refresher course for me really as I'd done chemistry A Level 7 years previously and wanted to study it at university.

I only attended the intensive A2 chemistry course, not AS. My advice would be to do it over 2 years, don't try and cram it AS &A2 into one because I don't think the brain has time to assimilate what are some fairly abstract concepts.

I think the 2 year course is 6hours a that to doing A levels in school where you might have 12 they don't really teach in depth. Therefore you'd want to spend a bit of time at the weekend with another textbook, going through material. The main drawback is that there's very little time to do practical experiments. Most people completing the course were hoping for graduate entry to medical school so the lack of chemistry experiments weren't a concern, they just needed a good grade. If however, you were hoping to do chemistry, biological course at uni it might be more important to you.

I only followed the course, I didn't take the exam.

If you need any more info, send me a private message - I'll receive an email to tell me that someone's left a message that way.