The Student Room Group
Reply 1
The Slade is the best fine art school in the UK; its acceptance rate is about 4%. Every year the Slade cooperates with the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL), the best architecture school in the UK, to host a conference-like exhibition.
Reply 2
I went in there a couple of days ago. The inside is INCREDIBLY shabby compared to the grand and elegant UCL quad. I mean, that place SERIOUSLY needs a lick of paint. I really do think it's a shame that a building that would have at one time been incredibly beautiful has been left to decay and wilt, all in the name of "non conformism".
Reply 3
I went in there a couple of days ago. The inside is INCREDIBLY shabby compared to the grand and elegant UCL quad. I mean, that place SERIOUSLY needs a lick of paint. I really do think it's a shame that a building that would have at one time been incredibly beautiful has been left to decay and wilt, all in the name of "non conformism".

Well, decay and wilt just make the place arty, I'd say. Artists won't give a s**t about the elegant main quad.
Reply 4
Precisely. It's a shame that the people in there have complete disregard for the architectural legacy of the building and instead use it to massage their egos by neglecting its interior to create a pretentious, anti-establishment aesthetic. They don't deserve to occupy that wing if they can't respect it. They should move into a low-rise '60s modernist breeze block in Tower Hamlets where they can piss up the walls and do any number of other "arty" things.
Reply 5
It's not that bad! unless they gave it a paint job before i went in 2009. It's pretty plain inside but it does have huge facilities and any size room you want within reason, which is always a good thing. I got quite a good impression, although it did feel a bit lifeless when i was there. Term had ended though