The Student Room Group

Lipa 07

There are a few 07 applicant posts in the 06 thread so I thought I may as well start this thread.

Good luck to all aplicants

Performing Arts (Acting)
dramatically0 - Audition
WatfordGoth - Audition
specs2001 - Offer

Performing Arts (Dance)
squirrellywrath - Unsucessful

smokey hotpants smokey - Unsucessful
luigi_89 - Audition
BlindPenguin - Audition
Jammin' free - Offer

Music, Theatre and Entertainment Management
Lance202 - Offer

Theatre and Performance Technology
lareiten - Offer
pollybabe - Offer
dum de dum - Offer

Sound Technology
Billy_ulv - Unsucessful
Kristafon - Offer (Intitially unsucessful)
TonyDraper - Offer
Rachael* - Offer

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Reply 1
Hello again mate! You heard anything yet?
Yay LIPA thread :smile:

Good luck to my audition on Friday :eek:
Reply 3
Ive not heard anything im afriad!
Reply 4
Anyone know what happens if and when they decide to invite you to an interview? Will it come in a letter or email or both? Am I right in thinking nothing will show on ucas until an offer or rejection is made? Good luck all...
Anyone know what happens if and when they decide to invite you to an interview? Will it come in a letter or email or both? Am I right in thinking nothing will show on ucas until an offer or rejection is made? Good luck all...

Wish I knew, mate! I got an email from them saying that they had received my forms and cd, and would let me know within 6 weeks if they wanted to take the application further.
well you two are going for different courses to me so I'm not sure if it differs between departments...but I didn't hear anything for AGES (about two months after I sent it), and then got a letter inviting me to audition with details and maps and stuff like that. Nothing changed on track, don't think it does until you've been interviewed and they've decided! I didn't get anything by email either.

The application process for dance is HIDEOUS I'm finding the most hardcore audition coming up (5 classes!) and then if I get through that I have to do a second audition in April and sing (eek), act, dance more and do an interview...and THEN they'll decide if they want me! What's it like for everyone else?!
Reply 7
Well for sound techs:

You do an entrance exam, this involves doing some maths/statistics questions, answering a music tech question and writing about producers you admire.

You do an interview. That consists of playing a track you have done and doing
an analysis of it, then everyone else (your interviewed in groups of about 4) plays theirs which you must also comment on.

You have traditional interview questions, some of which are apparently quite tricky!
Yay LIPA thread :smile:

Good luck to my audition on Friday :eek:

Best of luck for your audition tomorrow:smile:
Reply 9
yeah hope it went well...
Hey everyone, back from Liverpool! I'm in love with the city and LIPA itself, hadn't been there before and it's absolutely gorgeous. The audition was a bit touch and go though, I went there straight from my grandad's funeral and so was maybe not dancing my best :frown: Did ok in the ballet but messed up the jazz a fair bit. Doubt I'll get in, if I'm lucky I might get a recall! But I'll hear yes or no in the next two weeks, if I don't hear then I've got a will let you know! Anyone else heard anything new yet?
Reply 11
According to my mum :rolleyes: the admissions tutor said I should be getting a letter in the next few days. I dont know much about dance but all the general things go, It probably went better than you may have thought, think positive and all that. :smile:
Got a rejection through on track today :frown: gutted, because I know i can dance so much better than I did at my audition. Oh well though, good luck to everyone else, and just hoping I get into Roehampton! xx
Reply 13
Aww, I REALLY feel for you, knowing how much I want to go to LIPA myself! Im sure your a great dancer and you sound really into it, but the applicantions to places ratio is just crazy - you know that im sure - and it must just not have been your day. I wish you all the luck in the future.

My sister got rejected from LIPA (acting), but got into Guildford School of Acting, good luck with roehampton!
No!:eek: What I meant by my ditto was commiserations for squirrellywrath! I 've got an interview in the middle of Feb:rolleyes:
Reply 16
Ha ha! sorry dude! I will correct that.
Reply 17
so kristafon... have you had a confirmation letter or anything at all? im getting restless, cant wait for some sort of correspondence from them. :-)
Reply 18
I had a confirmation email ageeees ago, but then again I sent my application in before the OXBRIDGE date so I was, hopefully, ahead of the game. Im just taking it a day at a time at the moment. Something will come, one day, until them im forgetting about it!
Reply 19
ah right ok, i suppose putting it to the back of your mind until they get in touch is the best idea