The Student Room Group

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Wow, this thread seems so inactive in comparison? :frown:
Reply 2
Trinity Hall is tiny, I'm not really that surprised.
We're all wandering the Christmas vacation period as we should do. When work becomes a real issue again I might be visiting this place more for procrastination purposes. In fact, I'm only really here now because I'm avoiding Wordworth reading.
Reply 4

My name's James, and i've got an offer from Trinity Hall for SPS 07.

Feels awesome to get a place at the college I applied to, especially as Trinity Hall seems so great. It may be a small college, but it seems one of the most lively from what I can tell.

So it's an exciting prospect for later this year, here's hoping i make the offer :smile:
Reply 5
Hey guys, can you give me a first hand (brief) account of Trinity Hall? I would be applying for 08 entry for SPS. Two things about it that struck me, how beautiful the surroundings are and secondly the intimacy of the college.

Replies greatly appreciated!
Reply 6
Hey guys, can you give me a first hand (brief) account of Trinity Hall? I would be applying for 08 entry for SPS. Two things about it that struck me, how beautiful the surroundings are and secondly the intimacy of the college.

Replies greatly appreciated!

I only have a certain amount of knowledge from open days and interviews, but if you've got any questios, i'll tell you what i know. Plus, as i've got a place for SPS, i've met the director of studies and things, so if you want to know about the course, again i'll do my best to answer any questions. PM me if you like.

Overall, the students i met seem really friendly and welcoming, and it looks a lot of fun, along with the hardwork.

Plus, as you said, it is stunningly beautiful!
Reply 7
Hi! Trinity Hall is awesome, been there for interview... They have a really beautiful garden, from which you can view the river... And it doesn´t feel that small actually, it´s just okay.
Reply 8
Hehe, yes, Tit Hall is certainly 'intimate' - there's a College rag called Hallmark which all the juicy gossip seems to find its way into... Do you really think you could handle being in an environment like that for 3 years? (I love Tit Hall to death and sang in the chapel choir there for 2 years, but there is a downside to being in such a small, friendly College). Any other bits of info you want to know, I'm happy to help as much as I can, considering I go to New Hall not Tit Hall.
Reply 9
I was there for a Computer Science interview on 8th December. The surroundings vere very nice and the people I met were also very nice, very much the opposite of what I thought.

Since then I've got a Conditional offer, so I need to decide whether to go there or not now!
Reply 10

The open day dates for 2007 have been released, for anybody interested in seeing the college first hand :smile:
Reply 11
1st: Tit Hall is excellent
2nd: The scaffolding will 'definately' be down by the time Easter term begins... (as relayed by Malc, the porter)

The beautiful college returneth.
Reply 12
Has anybody else got the accommodation letter yet? It lists 4 categories of accommodation but doesn't really give any details about the differences between them. I'm not sure I'd be willing to go for a more expensive category not actually knowing what I'll get for it.

Does anybody have any details on it?
Reply 13
Yeah, I just got that out today as well. The room categories are pretty ambiguous, given that "size of room, outlook, proximity to facilities, etc." is all they're telling us.

I reckon I'd go for Category 2, but there's a pretty big range of prices even just within that.
Reply 14
all 1st year rooms are on central site, all have basic things like sink, bed, desk, armchair, chair etc. The higher the price you pay:
1. the bigger room you have => more armchairs, u could even get a sofa
2. the nearer you are to wc, shower, kitchen (e.g. my room is in the lowest band => no shower on my floor => have to go downstairs)
3. you get a nicer outlook like front court/lathan lawn, unlike my room which faces trinity lane => can be quite noisy
but don't think that lowest band rooms are bad, mine is much bigger than i thought and rooms in highest category are absolutely massive
they have just finished refurbishing staircases D and E but im not sure if rooms there are going to be for 1st years, otherwise none of the rooms are en suite.
hope that helps :smile:
Reply 15
I suppose with the nature of the place, all the rooms are probably quite different, so its difficult to explain the rooms, unlike modern unis where things are built to standard sizes.

I guess you just have to decide what you can afford, afterall the top ones are double the bottom ones.
It doesn't always work in the right way though. As I remember there were only 3 categories when I went up (although maybe there were 4 and I just can't remember). I went for the middle one and paid just over £60 per week. My room was massive (sofa, dining table), had access to two showers and two toilets (one of each on my floor) and a gorgeous view of front court. Rumour has it that most people go for the middle band and so some top band rooms are given to Freshers at lower band prices. Not sure if that's true, but I certainly got a good deal on my first year room. Back in college next year, yay!
Out of interest, what are all the little black figures in the border of your college crest?
Reply 18
I wonder does anyone have the link that was posted on the old 'Post from Trinity Hall' thread that had photos of many of the rooms? I can't seem to find it.
Reply 19
I wonder does anyone have the link that was posted on the old 'Post from Trinity Hall' thread that had photos of many of the rooms? I can't seem to find it.

it's not complete, but