The Student Room Group

St Peter's College (Oxford) Students and Applicants

Hello, this thread will serve as a central resource for material on St Peter's College and a place for discussion of all things SPC-related.

Relevant links and account names of current students will also be included in the first post - all suggestions are most welcomed.

Current/graduated students are most welcomed to post about their experiences here, as are applicants who wish to share their interview experiences/reasons for the benefit of future applicants.

Relevant links

Official website: [seems to have been given a facelift recently]

Undergraduate admissions page:

College JCR:

E-mail and telephone directory search:

2006 applicants who gained offers



Lex Talionis


Contributions to the section of the TSR Wiki on St Peter's College are also most welcomed.

Enjoy, and keep the discussion healthy. :smile:

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Reply 1
Just thought that I'd add that I'm at St peter's studying English if you have any questions
I read the student's prospectus of St Peter's, v. funny! I then thought about where I'd heard the name Rosalind Morgan before and flicked through the Oxford Prospectus and there she was lol!
hehe, yeah I read that too (when I should have been revising - eeeek january modules are too soon!) was very comeeedy! I'll be soo gutted if I don't get the A's I need now : (
Hey guys,

I wana study law at St Peter's college,

any hints on getting in?
Doing traditional subjects at AS should help. We're waiting for feedback on some unsuccessful applicants in February so St Peter's will tell us why some didn't get in.
i got an offer from st. peters for chemistry 2007 hopefully if i pass my exams im going to go! yay :smile:
i got an offer to read english.

really liked st peters during interview. the people seemed really cool, as did the tutors.

thats my firm, with leeds (aab) as insurance.
'Raaayyy, someone else for St Peter's. :biggrin:
Reply 9
Engilsh Lit at St Peter's! :biggrin:
Reply 10
Wow you're from Birmingham and going to SPC, me too!:smile: Which school are you at?
Reply 11
Well, I live sort of near Birmingham...Redditch...but I go to school in Stratford on Avon (w ehave the 'Shakesperience' you know!) Are you the person I spoke to on the interview day?!
Is this the lucy from facebook?!... Very confused over here... come on AAA... the prospect is looking gradually less likely :frown:
Reply 13
Well, I live sort of near Birmingham...Redditch...but I go to school in Stratford on Avon (w ehave the 'Shakesperience' you know!) Are you the person I spoke to on the interview day?!

Ah right ok, erm i'm not sure to be honest, it's quite possible but i don't remember it distinctely:s-smilie:
Reply 14
Hehe yes it is!! Heloooo Rosie! :wink:

I dunno, I met another English applicant from one of those Birmingham boys grammar schools on the interview...but the more Birmingham people the better! (oh how I'll miss the Bullring *sob*)
haha, I was going to say...

I'm so bad with names/ places - I remember so few people from interviews..
To you guys studying English, I bought a lot of books on the reading list that I don't think i'll be using again (since you can't repeat any topics). I was just wondering if any of you would be interested in buying them since they are the ones on the reading list and it would obviously save a lot of money. Let me know if you're interested
Reply 17
Lula - lol! guess who?
Lula - lol! guess who?

Shame!!!! :redface: :rolleyes:
ahhhh, do you think they'll still take me if I fail miserably?! :frown: