The Student Room Group

Brasenose College (Oxford) Students and Applicants


Hi, this thread will contain (hopefully) everything you need to know about BNC (Brasenose College).

Useful Information For Prospective Students

Founded: 1509

Financial Endowment: £100,000,000

Location: Radcliffe Square
City Centre, easy reach of rail, coach, bus station, and main university library facilities.

Students: 360 undergraduate students
120 postgraduate students

Offical Site of Brasenose College
JCR Site
Alternative prospectus
Virtual Tour of Brasenose College
If you want to contact anyone at the College
Brasenose College on Wikipedia

Current Students

ChocolateBear -- 3rd Year Medicine
Heartbreaker -- 3rd Year Chemistry
JCoatz -- 3rd Year Engineering
EducatingBrogan -- 2nd Year English

That's it really -- just PM me or post in this thread if you want anything added or changed. Enjoy !

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damn you beat me to it, and posted almost exactly the same info, eerie
Reply 2
Anything else I should add?
Reply 3
Just found a list of Brasenose people on TSR in the 'useful information' thread in the main forum:

F1 fanatic
Apocagem - Medicine - 2005-? PM
drw25 (Dan) - Physics - 2005-9 PM
Lucys - Law - 2005-8 PM
Sparrowhawk - PPP - 2005-8 PM
Whauden (Tom) - Modern History - 2005-8 PM
Seems like this is quite inactive
so anyways, everyone who applied to brasenose, why did you choose brasenose, could be helpful for future applicants and it's interesting to see other peoples' reasons
i chose it because it had a perfect central location, was one of the pretty castle-like buildings, it had a very large medic intake each year (8 compared to 4-6 of most colleges) with a lot of medic tutors, people who had been there talked pretty highly of brasenose, it had a good sports reputation with many sports teams, it was averagely academic and not ultra formal like many other colleges and it was reasonably small and seemed like a friendly community
at the interview i was also very impressed by the JCR
offer for Engineering science '07 :-) i did open, but was pretty glad i got brasenose, it was the one i stayed at a few months before during an open day thing!
Reply 6
Mee too... room was abit dire I'd have to say... thoughts of Harry Potter living under the stairs. staircase 18 I think it was...tried to block it from my memory.
Cement block dungeon, no light, one light bulb, loo the size of an airplane loo that also doubled as a shower and was shared!
yeah i was staircase 14, sounds a bit better, but not a lot, i had a sink in a cupboard, an no shower, only a bath which was shared along with the loo. it was freezing, but then thats because i didn't turn the heater on, an it was noisy, because i looked onto the highstreet. i could live there for a year tho, you get better rooms as you go up!
Reply 8
I didnt apply to Brasenose, got pooled from Balliol :smile:
ya know what i've just realised, for those of us [hopefully] starting at brazenose this year, we'll be 2nd or 3rd years wen the college has its 500th birthday, how cool... or maybe not i dunno!
yeh i was talking to one of the current students about that, he said that we were really lucky cos we'd be there in its 500th year, should be good
just a random question or two, since no-ones talked on this for ages...

where do you get the gowns from for matriculation/formal dinners/exams etc. do you just borrow them from a big stock somewhere, rent them, buy them, get given them?! who knows... alllso is there a gym in bnc, and is it any good? i'm sure i'll think of more questions, but i guess thats what this forum thingys for ey?! to bug students. :-p cheers
man how dead is this thread! hopefully thats because everyones in the BNC bar :rolleyes:
Reply 13
Lol, I think the lack of current students doesnt help the thread. BTW im fairly sure you will have to buy the gowns.
yeh i guess you have to buy gowns, and i didnt see a gym there so i doubt there is one. it has its own sportsfield elsewhere though
does anyone know how often formal dinners are, i'm not sure how keen i am on wearing gowns
Reply 15
Again, I dont really know, but for most colleges. Several times a week, maybe nearly every day is common.
at bnc its 3 times a week i think tuesday, friday and sunday, formal hall, its optional like, but if you wanna eat in, you gotta wear a gown! apart from that i think its only exams and matriculation. hmm i'm sure i read sumwhere thers a small gym, but i cant find it anywhere now! nevamind.
Reply 17
BNC looks amazing. I hope the girls are as beautiful as the buildings! :biggrin: :cool: :biggrin:
Reply 18
Are you going there next year? :smile:
Reply 19
I'm applying next year, Heartbreaker, for German.
Such a toit and smexeh college, I hope I get in...