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Reply 1
Should this not be in H&R :confused:
Reply 2
i dont really care at this moment in time
Reply 3
Should this not be in H&R :confused:

As if by magic. :eek:
Reply 4
hmm nowadays the word love is used too freely...and also the phrase love you. like this couple i knew as soon as they started going out the girl was always like i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuu so much to him. obviously she wasnt really in love with him after a few days. that relationship broke down after like 2 weeks.
what was your argument about?
Reply 5
we were ment to be goin out tonight but instead he spent all evening in the pub with his mates and he left his fone at his mates house so i couldnt even ring him to ask him what time we're goin out or what we were doing about dinner. then when he decides to come home he acts like we can still go out, after iv been sat around waitin for him to ring since 4oclock

he just takes me for granted and picks me up and puts me down whenever he feels like it. im sick of it

sorry about my english
Reply 6
Urm, stop being so clingy?
Reply 7
we were ment to be goin out tonight but instead he spent all evening in the pub with his mates and he left his fone at his mates house so i couldnt even ring him to ask him what time we're goin out or what we were doing about dinner. then when he decides to come home he acts like we can still go out, after iv been sat around waitin for him to ring since 4oclock

he just takes me for granted and picks me up and puts me down whenever he feels like it. im sick of it

sorry about my english

What has that got to do with your questioning of 'love'? :confused:
Reply 8
Urm, stop being so clingy?

im not clingy. at the end of the day he made plans, why cant he stick to them?!! is it so difficult
Reply 9
im not clingy. at the end of the day he made plans, why cant he stick to them?!! is it so difficult

You clearly are and you're complaining like a 14 year old girl. He's his own person too. You're taking something completely out of proportion. You sound needy and clingy.
Reply 10
What has that got to do with your questioning of 'love'? :confused:

when im with him he tells me every 10mins that he loves me. yet he treats me like a toy that he plays with when he feels like it. we've been together 2 years so its not like we're just starting out.

plus he can get pretty violent toward me. you dont hurt somebody you're in love with
Reply 11
You clearly are and you're complaining like a 14 year old girl. He's his own person too. You're taking something completely out of proportion. You sound needy and clingy.

you dont even know me, how can u say im clingy and needy?!

thanks for help and support. I thought people could come in here with problems to talk about them and get advice. not be slattered by other members.
Reply 12
i usally say it when the girl says it first iam usally to scared to say it because she might not love me back :smile: but them guys who say they love a girl and dont mean it are not good at all
im not clingy. at the end of the day he made plans, why cant he stick to them?!! is it so difficult

Plans change. People change. Talk to him, not us.
Reply 14
Plans change. People change. Talk to him, not us.

im sorry, i thought this is where u discuss relationship issues, u know in the 'health and relationship' forum. my mistake
Reply 15
hmm, the definition of 'love' is debatable. I say I love people quite regularly; my family, many close friends, people I've been casually seeing. However, it's different in the romantic sense; I don't think I've ever said I'm 'in love', which is a different thing altogether.
Reply 16
you dont even know me, how can u say im clingy and needy?!

thanks for help and support. I thought people could come in here with problems to talk about them and get advice. not be slattered by other members.

Because you've come on here and gone off on a tangent not even explaining what the reference is to the title. Your use of language makes you sound like a whiney child.

No, I don't know you, but I've got a pretty good idea of what you're like if that's anything to go by. Take a step back and seriously think... you're getting wound up because he didn't answer his phone which he didn't have on him - oh he's done that out of spite hasn't he? You've been waiting since 4pm? That cries clingy to me.

If what you're saying is true and he "doesn't appreciate you", then just ditch him and move on but if it's just your warped perception, don't be surprised if this happens to you again.

OT: How old are you? 16, 17?
im sorry, i thought this is where u discuss relationship issues, u know in the 'health and relationship' forum. my mistake

I know, but ultimately people here can only speculate; your boyfriend can tell you why he didn't stick to your plans.
Reply 18
What has that got to do with your questioning of 'love'? :confused:

Well I presume he said he "loves" her, but doesn't behave (in her opinion, anyhow) as one who loves another should.
Reply 19
Because you've come on here and gone off on a tangent not even explaining what the reference is to the title. Your use of language makes you sound like a whiney child.

No, I don't know you, but I've got a pretty good idea of what you're like if that's anything to go by. Take a step back and seriously think... you're getting wound up because he didn't answer his phone which he didn't have on him - oh he's done that out of spite hasn't he? You've been waiting since 4pm? That cries clingy to me.

If what you're saying is true and he "doesn't appreciate you", then just ditch him and move on but if it's just your warped perception, don't be surprised if this happens to you again.

OT: How old are you? 16, 17?

to be honest i dont really care if u think im clingy or not. im 18 thank you and have been with my boyfriend for two years. if you've no advice then dont bother saying anything, theres no need to sit there calling me clingy when im clearly not,i am in love. maybe you've never experienced love which is why you think im clingy.