The Student Room Group

Cost of Needle Piercing

My ears have healed due to an infection I got after a li'l time stretching my piercings [note to self: don't wear coconut husks again... :smile: ]. Anyways, a lot of my friends have already told me to get them re-done with a needle instead, and this is something that comes up a lot on this forum, so!

I know of some good places to go, like in Camden [can't remember the name, but next to Electric Ballroom]. I could just walk in to find out but it'd take up some time which at the mo I have little of, so I was just wondering is there an average price I can expect with needle piercings? I've only ever seen gun piercings from £8-10, but I figure it could be different with a needle - who'm I to know?! Tried finding it online but failed miserably.

Any help appreciated :smile:

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Reply 1
Go and call up peircing shops and ask
[QUOTE="ninstro"]I know of some good places to go, like in Camden [can't remember the name, but next to Electric Ballroom].[/QUOTE

Ahh, not Eclipse? I've heard bad things about them...

It's a bit more expensive with a needle, depends where you go. The piercing place I go to does ear cartilege (I can't spell at this time of night) for £18 with a plain bar.
Reply 3
I know of some good places to go, like in Camden [can't remember the name, but next to Electric Ballroom].[/QUOTE

Ahh, not Eclipse? I've heard bad things about them...

It's a bit more expensive with a needle, depends where you go. The piercing place I go to does ear cartilege (I can't spell at this time of night) for £18 with a plain bar.

I know Eclipse but it's not that one; I saw great recommendations for this place... hmm I think I'll google... Chioko! Aha.

Ah k. As long as it's not over that kinda price... lobes generally speaking are cheaper than cartilage, right?
Reply 4
In Camden, check out Cold Steel. Don't know the costs, phone them up and see.
Ah k. As long as it's not over that kinda price... lobes generally speaking are cheaper than cartilage, right?

I'm not sure if it would be cheaper if you're having it done with a needle, since its the same equipment/jewellery...
Reply 6
cant you just get a needle, burn it on a fire to kill the germs and stuff and then stab it in your ear to re open it?
Reply 7
I'm not sure if it would be cheaper if you're having it done with a needle, since its the same equipment/jewellery...

Using that logic, it would be the same for every single piercing. :P Nah, lobe piercings tend to be the cheapest piercings.

cant you just get a needle, burn it on a fire to kill the germs and stuff and then stab it in your ear to re open it?

Burning a needle does not sterilize it. If she were to do it herself I'd recommend she bought pre-sterilised needles & jewellery, but really it's better to go to a professional, who will actually use sterile equipment.
Reply 8
Cold Steel are excellent. Very friendly, helpful and clean.
Using that logic, it would be the same for every single piercing. :P Nah, lobe piercings tend to be the cheapest piercings.

Really? I could've sworn that my nipple/navel/lip/ear/nose jewellery was all different :wink:
Reply 10
Anyone been to Chioko?

I'm checking out Cold Steel, Chioko's just the first one I saw with a really good reputation :smile:
Reply 11
Really? I could've sworn that my nipple/navel/lip/ear/nose jewellery was all different :wink:

The same jewellery CAN be used in all of those. It's still a different price for each of those piercings, say, with a CBR. At a studio I know it's about £8 for a lobe, £10 for cartilage piercing, £20 for tragus, rook, daith, etc, £25 for navel, £10 for nose...
Still with the same jewellery. :P
Reply 12
I might be going to Cold Steel soon. But then again, I might not
Reply 13
The same jewellery CAN be used in all of those. It's still a different price for each of those piercings, say, with a CBR. At a studio I know it's about £8 for a lobe, £10 for cartilage piercing, £20 for tragus, rook, daith, etc, £25 for navel, £10 for nose...
Still with the same jewellery. :P

Ok I don't know what a CBR is, heh, but are those kind of prices for needles?
£10 for nose...

I paid £40 for my nose piercing and twisted stud, which I think is titanium...maybe that's why. I've seen people who've had them done cheaper and they don't have the same jewellery. And I know someone who had it done with a gun, which I'm pretty sure isn't allowed.
Reply 15
I paid £40 for my nose piercing and twisted stud, which I think is titanium...maybe that's why. I've seen people who've had them done cheaper and they don't have the same jewellery. And I know someone who had it done with a gun, which I'm pretty sure isn't allowed.

£40? I think you got ripped off, haha. Titanium should be the only material anyone uses for body piercings, and a titanium nose screw is just basic really. £10 was at Holier Than Thou in Manchester, although my local studio charges £20 (Modern Body Art in Birmingham).

Ergh, yeah. One place in Birmingham does noses with guns and it's disgusting! They actually told my friend they wouldn't pierce his with a needle when we asked. :| We got out of there fast.

There needs to be more regulations on piercing >.<

Ok I don't know what a CBR is, heh, but are those kind of prices for needles?

CBR's (also called BCR's, that's more common in the UK) are the rings with a bead that clips in to hold them in place (see here) and yes, those are needles... You couldn't actually use a gun on half of those :|
Reply 16
CBR's (also called BCR's, that's more common in the UK) are the rings with a bead that clips in to hold them in place (see here) and yes, those are needles... You couldn't actually use a gun on half of those :|

Ahhh, thank you :smile:
Reply 17
The same jewellery CAN be used in all of those. It's still a different price for each of those piercings, say, with a CBR. At a studio I know it's about £8 for a lobe, £10 for cartilage piercing, £20 for tragus, rook, daith, etc, £25 for navel, £10 for nose...
Still with the same jewellery. :P

That's what I paid, glad I wasn't ripped off!

I don't like CBRs, they're so tricky to fasten, is there an easy way to do it? I've never taken the one in my tragus out because I'm worried it'll never go back in! It's been in there for about 5 years now! :redface:
Reply 18
Could i get the cartalige at the top of my ear peirced with a CBR? Or would i have to have a stud first then change it?
Reply 19
Could i get the cartalige at the top of my ear peirced with a CBR? Or would i have to have a stud first then change it?

One piercer I went to wouldn't do it with a CBR. Another I went to did. But they heal so much easier with a barbell that you really would be better off doing it that way