The Student Room Group


Hi there goes it, i hope every one is well and enjoying the new year

just a quick question...I have already applied to my chosen 6 uni's and ucas has been sent off, some offers coming back aswell, i just recently began reading about a career in orthoptics and was thinking of going to sheffield to study i was wondering if it was possible to join up onto the orthoptics course come results day....does sheffield usualy have spaces within clearing ?

Good day to you all


*oh ps any one doing Seeds of evil exam on friday?*
Yay!!! Orthoptics!!

Hehe. I'm in my second year at Sheffield now! and YESS!!! There are always places at Sheffield in clearing for orthoptics. I got in through clearing with BCC in my A levels. You will need to have an interview in the time between results day and start of term though. PM me for more specific details and with any other queries.

As far as I know, i'm the onluy orthoptist on here! So I'm the person you need to speak to. :smile:

Reply 2
hiya ive just sent my ucas off ive applied to 4 unis for pharmacy and sheff n liverpool 4 orthoptics do u think im likely to get a offer from orthoptics when my ucas iss all to do with orthoptics? and how r u finding the course?
Do you mean your personal statement is all to do with Pharmacy?

The course is great. The downside is placement but, you get used to it. Its 3 months a year (ish) and they can be anywhere in the country.

If you've mentioned Orthoptics in your PS, then you may get asked for interview, but if not, they may still ask you for interview, they may not. I know a girl whose PS was optom optom optom and got rejected straight off. She eventually got in through clearing as didn't get her Optom grades.

I'm not sure about Liverpool. I never went to see the place! They offered me CCC, and tbh, I had my heart set on Cardiff. I got into Sheffield through clearing, but I had already had my interview!
Reply 4
Hey White shadow...

Will your degree be under the title 'Biomedical Science'? or Orthoptics?
How do you mean? It should be under Orthoptics everywhere. It is a Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci), if that is what is confusing you. In all the literature it will be under Orthoptics. (Except on the website where it is under school of medicine).
Reply 6
yeah my ps is all to do with pharmacy and im a resitting my alevels but i have put orthoptics down as my backup. :mad:
I'm thinking about Orthoptics too, but I've also left it a bit late! :s-smilie:

I love Sheffield and Liverpool, but what are the chances of getting in through clearing? Any advice would be great. :biggrin:
Reply 8
Yay!!! Orthoptics!!

Hehe. I'm in my second year at Sheffield now! and YESS!!! There are always places at Sheffield in clearing for orthoptics. I got in through clearing with BCC in my A levels. You will need to have an interview in the time between results day and start of term though. PM me for more specific details and with any other queries.

As far as I know, i'm the onluy orthoptist on here! So I'm the person you need to speak to. :smile:


im new to this site, ive applied to do orthoptics and sheffield have invited me for an interview. Just wondering what kind of questions will they ask me i have no idea.....please help
Getting in through clearing is easy. If you get about CCC ish.

Big question they'll ask is the difference between optometry and orthoptics.

They'll want to know that you know a bit about orthoptics too.

Its really not a taxing interview. If you get an interview, you usually get an offer. No promises though! Things may have changed!

When is the interview?
Reply 10
Getting in through clearing is easy. If you get about CCC ish.

Big question they'll ask is the difference between optometry and orthoptics.

They'll want to know that you know a bit about orthoptics too.

Its really not a taxing interview. If you get an interview, you usually get an offer. No promises though! Things may have changed!

When is the interview?

its on wed 7th... do u hav anymore handy hints that will help...