Don't know really where to begin.
I just feel completely behind with my friends. I have a very small circle of firends I hang out with socially. About 4 say. Most of whom go to university, so I only get to see them when I come home. But I look at their various web pages etc, here their stories, and feel so jealous about the lives they lead. They go out, clubbing or whatever, and have so much fun.
I have lots of "friends". Like, I go to college two days a week, and really enjoy it. I sit with about five other girls/women and really get on with them all. Without sounding a bit boastful, I'm quite popular, as the wild 'n' crazy one.
In my job, I have several sort of friends, again, I am the kooky one.
But I don't sociale normally with any one of them.
I seem to attract older people, I don't know why. Which is part of the reason I don't socialise much. I don't go out practically anywhere at all, unless my friends are at home. I have one pregnant friend, who I shop with, but that's about it.
I lead a busy lifestyle, Monday to Friday, and only get the weekends to do stuff.
My parents think I am weird, because I don't go out and get drunk like my younger sister, I don't bring boyfriends home ( I am 20, and a virgin). I don't seem to attract men either. I wonder if it's because I am tooo loud and humourous. I heard a male friend say that men don't do funny girls.
Am I weird because I need time to myself? Or that I don't get drunk every weekend?
But I also want to do something more, more sociable. What do people suggest? How can I suggest to my friends at college or work that we hang out sometime?
I gues I am just feeling a bit depressed, and need a bit of pity me time!