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Reply 1
Well, I work in Coral which is like Hills and I would recommend it as a job. Ive worked in Coral for 6 months and they give you tests to make sure you learn the bets and after that it's pretty easy. I got moved from shop to shop and the people who work there are really nice - well some of them! Some customers are well dodgy and I ve been done out of £100 by being slow counted but after a while you get used to the them. They will be better places to work when the smoking ban comes but Coral have given me loads of hours in the holidays and I mean loads and then in term time they let me say which really helps also they let you transfer between my home and uni. The best thing is that when ive been their a year they will give £1000 towards uni as long as Im doing a degree that i can use with them which I am - HRM. Hills have more shops than Coral so the chances are you will def get the job as in April they are open til 9.30 every day so they will all be recruiting - so if anyone wants a job start applying before april to Coral, Ladbrokes or Hills as they love us students.
Slow counting? explain please!
Reply 3
Clubber Lang
Slow counting? explain please!

It is where someone will come up to with a large bet just before the race or dogs go off and so you rush to take the bet in time and as the race isn't long they will listen to the race and if it wins they give you the money or they say they meant to put a £1 on not £100 or in my case they just run off!
It is where someone will come up to with a large bet just before the race or dogs go off and so you rush to take the bet in time and as the race isn't long they will listen to the race and if it wins they give you the money or they say they meant to put a £1 on not £100 or in my case they just run off!

LOL, that is actually pretty funny and well thought out - what didyou do then? just write it off as a loss or give chase?
Reply 5
well I had only been their few weeks so he told me he was going cash machine and I believed him! You have to keep it as a loss and trust me darlin it weren't funny at the time - I got a verbal warning.

the people that con bookies are well clever!
Reply 6
I got the info pack thing this morning, my mum gave me a few tips,
NEVER EVER take a bet over £50 without having the cash in your hand first and to get my pill prescription before I start (but that's a bit personal just for me because i've come off the pill and i'm as hormonal as **** atm and I cry for no reason and aparently the people in the shops will make me cry lol).

She gave me another one, but I can't remember it.

My interview is Friday at 1pm.

go me.
Reply 7
Had my interview today :biggrin: Got the job, doing 12 hours a week until April, then doing 18.

£6.66 an hour and time n half on sunday. six hours sat and six hours sun, doing training this friday and saturday :biggrin:
Reply 8
well I had only been their few weeks so he told me he was going cash machine and I believed him! You have to keep it as a loss and trust me darlin it weren't funny at the time - I got a verbal warning.

the people that con bookies are well clever!

Not being funny but i'm surprised they didn't sack you to be honest. Did you not have the common sense to think that a lot of people placing bets will pull a fast one given half a chance? Surely you would never take a bet without having the money in your hand first?

There is no "cleverness" involved in bookie scams, just varying degrees of stupidity from the customer and the bookmaker.
Reply 9
Well, once the bet has gone through you can't change it and if there are loads of people trying to get a bet on then you can't exactly wait for every customer to give you the correct money, you know what I mean? Well actually I doubt you know what I mean and there are so many 'clever' ways of conning bookies but I'm not exactly gonna broadcast them on here am i???obviously mate you don't have a clue about what people can get away with and you are obviously not 'clever' enough to think of any ways to con bookies (Not that you would know but the people that get away with thousands in bookies are EXTREMELY CLEVER and have well thought out plans and unless it actually happens to you - they're hard to detect) . I started that job without a clue about betting and the shop where it happened was really busy and in a rough area and you would be suprised at how many people can't cope with the job.

The reason I never got sacked? Because it happens to EVERYONE all the time, if it was so serious then of course I would of been sacked but the fact that I didn't just proves how common it is.

It's so obvious you have never worked in a bookies!
Reply 10
No, I haven't worked in a bookies, why would I want to? They're absolute ****-holes. Not having worked in one has no bearing on how much I know about them though. How much I know about them doesn't really come into it either, it's common sense not to trust somebody in a bookies who is "just nipping to the cash machine".

I know people who are independant bookies, and I know people who work in high-street chain bookies, and yes they've had "con's" tried on them, but to say it happens to all bookies all the time is in my extensive experience with gambling, simply not true.
Reply 11
I hadn't even worked their 2 weeks when it happened as they target new people so what you don't understand is that at that time I didn't have a clue that people did this because I went into the job without any knowledge of betting - maybe I shouldn't have got the job as I had no knowledge but I haven't been conned since.

When I say it happens all the time I mean it's very common and a lot of the times most people don't even notice so obviously there is no true number of cons but as I have more knowledge of the trade than you I have a better idea of how frequently it stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
Reply 12
I stand by the fact that saying "it happens to "EVERYONE", "all the time", is simply not true
Reply 13
right, when i said that i didn't mean it literally i meant it's common and happens to a lot of people especially if your new. i'm saying it's not a big deal if it happens
Reply 14
Stupid question, you have to be 18 to work in a bookies yeah?
Reply 15
Yeh, you do.
Well then how come you got the job at 17??

Im guessing you will have to have someone nearby to check the person and the transaction as we do for alcohol
Old thread, I know:p:

malteser and sparkle - dyu get told to watch out for arbitrage betters? I do this quite a lot, betting as much as possible in the shop on a football game where the price has fallen in real terms but not on the coupon, then laying at betfair for a profit.
Obviously, Corals and Hills being stingy with their odds and limits I don't find any with them very often..:wink:

But yeah do you get told to watch out/report us?
Reply 18
Well then how come you got the job at 17??

Im guessing you will have to have someone nearby to check the person and the transaction as we do for alcohol

I didn't :|

I'm 18 and i've been 18 for about 3 months........

and Indievertigo, no we don't, well I haven't.

Sunday is really the football bet day moreso than Saturday and me and my boss just get on with it and watch telly :smile:
Reply 19
neither do I!