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RETAKE A-Levels?? TC help

I have just finished my second year of university studying Law at the University of the West of England (mid range university). I am going in to my third year with roughly 66% and am looking at applying for training contracts. I am aiming for London/US/big city international firms, and my University results to date + extra curricular work/work experience would put me in good stead for succeeding with my search. My problem occurs with my A-Levels, during a tough couple of years I achieved CCD along with an AS at D and EPQ at C. I am looking at training contracts with requirements of 2.1 + AAB/ABB/300 Ucas points etc which clearly my A Levels are no where near.

What is the best chance of me securing one of these jobs?

Retake my A-Levels? / Secure more experience and aim for a first classification?

Any help would be extremely appreciated, has anyone been in this position before?
Reply 1
Aim for the first - this is likely to have far more impact.

A lot of firms will only consider your first sitting for A-levels anyway.

When you do apply to firms with a particular UCAS/A-level requirement, contact them personally (I would call them or try to meet them at an event) to discuss your particular circumstances. They will often look past something like A-level grades if you have the ability to come across professionally and have other evidence on your CV that is strong (as you suggest you have). If you have mitigating circumstances to your A-level grades, this will be even more so the case. You have to ask them to be blunt with you about your chances of applying.

Otherwise look for alternative routes in, like CC's Intelligent Aid competition or firms like B&M who are now using Rare's contextualised selection processes (the latter is dependent on your background).

Great, thank you for the information
I would say, don't bother re-taking your A Levels - it isn't seen as worth it and won't work as a way to get round the A level filter.

There are a number of firms who purposefully don't just filter people out because of their A level grades - so you could find out who these firms are and apply for them. You will need to come up with an explanation for your A level grades for the application - and why it is you are now on the straight and narrow. I can start you off - Weightmans, the CPS, the GLS - as they were. IM.

Think about the reasons why firms don't want people with not great A levels and address this head on in your apps.

Obv go for the first.

Go for the intelligence Aid type competitions etc - research these - how they work etc - if you get anywhere with them then it is good experience.

Make a plan as to what you will do if you do not get a TC before you leave Uni - will you do the LPC? Will you self-fund?

I think it is a personal decision as to whether you target firms that 'don't want you' - I can tell you that I also do not have very good A levels - I have a TC so it can be done - I am a career changer - I certainly have a different skill set than other applicants may have but law can be a broad church. Perhaps I have different skills to offer. I took a decision not to apply to firms that 'did not want me' because they had a strict A level filter - I dont have AAB or whatever so largely I did not apply.

For me, the firms that do things slightly differently are a better match for me anyway plus I knew I didn't want to do commercial work in the city so all good.

If you DO want to do commercial work in the city, then you need a realistic game plan to get where you want to go - you must be straight about the fact that there are some very good applicants out there - some very able law students - who have what you have plus AAB. So, you either need to get other skills or make a strategic approach.

It can be done if you work hard and look for ways through. You will have to be dedicated.

The other thing I have read on Rof is that the city firms DO have students with a less than star-studded academic career but they just don't shout about it.

Obv if you get out there and network and make those important connections perhaps this will help you

Play the long game and I think you can get there, but I don't think you should approach it as if you are the same as the AAB candidates with a bit of a blip if you are approaching the big commercial international firms.

good luck!

Also - obv you can qualify and then try and move more twds where you want to go.

You could potentially paralegal and then try and get a TC

Original post by tommorgan20
I have just finished my second year of university studying Law at the University of the West of England (mid range university). I am going in to my third year with roughly 66% and am looking at applying for training contracts. I am aiming for London/US/big city international firms, and my University results to date + extra curricular work/work experience would put me in good stead for succeeding with my search. My problem occurs with my A-Levels, during a tough couple of years I achieved CCD along with an AS at D and EPQ at C. I am looking at training contracts with requirements of 2.1 + AAB/ABB/300 Ucas points etc which clearly my A Levels are no where near.

What is the best chance of me securing one of these jobs?

Retake my A-Levels? / Secure more experience and aim for a first classification?

Any help would be extremely appreciated, has anyone been in this position before?
Reply 3
Original post by happyinthehaze
I would say, don't bother re-taking your A Levels - it isn't seen as worth it and won't work as a way to get round the A level filter.

There are a number of firms who purposefully don't just filter people out because of their A level grades - so you could find out who these firms are and apply for them. You will need to come up with an explanation for your A level grades for the application - and why it is you are now on the straight and narrow. I can start you off - Weightmans, the CPS, the GLS - as they were. IM.

Think about the reasons why firms don't want people with not great A levels and address this head on in your apps.

Obv go for the first.

Go for the intelligence Aid type competitions etc - research these - how they work etc - if you get anywhere with them then it is good experience.

Make a plan as to what you will do if you do not get a TC before you leave Uni - will you do the LPC? Will you self-fund?

I think it is a personal decision as to whether you target firms that 'don't want you' - I can tell you that I also do not have very good A levels - I have a TC so it can be done - I am a career changer - I certainly have a different skill set than other applicants may have but law can be a broad church. Perhaps I have different skills to offer. I took a decision not to apply to firms that 'did not want me' because they had a strict A level filter - I dont have AAB or whatever so largely I did not apply.

For me, the firms that do things slightly differently are a better match for me anyway plus I knew I didn't want to do commercial work in the city so all good.

If you DO want to do commercial work in the city, then you need a realistic game plan to get where you want to go - you must be straight about the fact that there are some very good applicants out there - some very able law students - who have what you have plus AAB. So, you either need to get other skills or make a strategic approach.

It can be done if you work hard and look for ways through. You will have to be dedicated.

The other thing I have read on Rof is that the city firms DO have students with a less than star-studded academic career but they just don't shout about it.

Obv if you get out there and network and make those important connections perhaps this will help you

Play the long game and I think you can get there, but I don't think you should approach it as if you are the same as the AAB candidates with a bit of a blip if you are approaching the big commercial international firms.

good luck!

Also - obv you can qualify and then try and move more twds where you want to go.

You could potentially paralegal and then try and get a TC

This has been a great help and much appreciated. It has been inspirational to hear your story: you didn't have to reply!
Thanks again
Original post by tommorgan20
This has been a great help and much appreciated. It has been inspirational to hear your story: you didn't have to reply!
Thanks again

Welcome. It can be an isolated road to qualification - people have helped me and I think we all have to help each other. Especially those of us who aren't grade AAAAAAAAAA*A*A*A*A*B :smile:
Original post by tommorgan20
I have just finished my second year of university studying Law at the University of the West of England (mid range university). I am going in to my third year with roughly 66% and am looking at applying for training contracts. I am aiming for London/US/big city international firms, and my University results to date + extra curricular work/work experience would put me in good stead for succeeding with my search. My problem occurs with my A-Levels, during a tough couple of years I achieved CCD along with an AS at D and EPQ at C. I am looking at training contracts with requirements of 2.1 + AAB/ABB/300 Ucas points etc which clearly my A Levels are no where near.

What is the best chance of me securing one of these jobs?

Retake my A-Levels? / Secure more experience and aim for a first classification?

Any help would be extremely appreciated, has anyone been in this position before?

Hi Tom, Although its close to 3 yrs old now, I came across your post regarding post-law training contract. I am also in the same situation where I am predicted to get a high upper class division for my LLB Law Degree however my A-Level results argue otherwise in which case my end result came out to be CCC with A* in EPQ (despite me being targeted to achieve AAB) as a result I've been put into a different life career wise it went downhill for me since my results as I can see everywhere I go I need a minimum of AAB to even attain a training contract at a city law firm. I have worked so hard for this degree and have turned around a new leaf, I can tell you had also done the same. Like you I have tons of work experience although not entirely relating to the Law, I've got a broad spectrum of work XP. Now my only worry is would I have to resit my A-Levels to achieve the 360 or 300 UCAS points filter. I would really appreciate Tom if I could get your perspective on this, is it possible for a person like me, I am extremely hard working and dedicated, everyone was surprised of my results given that it was my first time ever to achieving CCC at anything that's me being honest. The lowest I ever got was a 'B' but now given the 'C' my head has been spinning of the thought of it also how it effects me for the future to come. Sorry for bombarding a lengthy message to you, it seems your the closest thread starter I have found on thestudentroom platform who was/is in the similar situation as me.
Reply 6
I myself was in a similar situation in the summer of 2017. With a conditional offer of AAB at the University of Birmingham set in place, I drastically underperformed in my A-levels and came out with a CCE. I am now a second-year Law student at Coventry University, achieved bang on 60% in my first year, a campus ambassador for Legal Cheek at Coventry, have employment experience but not so much for legal. I am working hard at my undergraduate and hope it compensates for my poor A-Levels. In 2 weeks time, I will be attending an event where A&O, Freshfields, Bird and Bird and Norton Rose will be in attendance. I will try to network with them and see if there are any possibilities around the A-Level grades.
(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 7
Original post by username4187138
Hi Tom, Although its close to 3 yrs old now, I came across your post regarding post-law training contract. I am also in the same situation where I am predicted to get a high upper class division for my LLB Law Degree however my A-Level results argue otherwise in which case my end result came out to be CCC with A* in EPQ (despite me being targeted to achieve AAB) as a result I've been put into a different life career wise it went downhill for me since my results as I can see everywhere I go I need a minimum of AAB to even attain a training contract at a city law firm. I have worked so hard for this degree and have turned around a new leaf, I can tell you had also done the same. Like you I have tons of work experience although not entirely relating to the Law, I've got a broad spectrum of work XP. Now my only worry is would I have to resit my A-Levels to achieve the 360 or 300 UCAS points filter. I would really appreciate Tom if I could get your perspective on this, is it possible for a person like me, I am extremely hard working and dedicated, everyone was surprised of my results given that it was my first time ever to achieving CCC at anything that's me being honest. The lowest I ever got was a 'B' but now given the 'C' my head has been spinning of the thought of it also how it effects me for the future to come. Sorry for bombarding a lengthy message to you, it seems your the closest thread starter I have found on thestudentroom platform who was/is in the similar situation as me.

hi im hoping to be a solicitor I think im going to get BBB in my a levels and I just wanted to know did everything work out in the end for u
Reply 8
Original post by Yameen98
I myself was in a similar situation in the summer of 2017. With a conditional offer of AAB at the University of Birmingham set in place, I drastically underperformed in my A-levels and came out with a CCE. I am now a second-year Law student at Coventry University, achieved bang on 60% in my first year, a campus ambassador for Legal Cheek at Coventry, have employment experience but not so much for legal. I am working hard at my undergraduate and hope it compensates for my poor A-Levels. In 2 weeks time, I will be attending an event where A&O, Freshfields, Bird and Bird and Norton Rose will be in attendance. I will try to network with them and see if there are any possibilities around the A-Level grades.

hi did everything workout in the end did u become a solicitor

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