This thread is old but I need to comment on this. I am young and wanted to take a gap year to travel while working, this job promised it all...telling me it wasn’t door to door sales and promising me I’d be at the top. If I didn’t make a sale it was ‘my fault’ even though the people on the doorstep were clearly not interested whatever I tried, you will hear the words “juice”, “law of averages” and “attitude” everyday in a cult like ‘morning meeting’ which you have a countdown to and then shout over the sh**ty music “WAYYYY”. This is your form of brainwash, if you aren’t brainwashed enough and have doubts you will be called out for being ‘negative’’re not negative you’re just not stupid. You will not be owning your own business nor will you be making a lot of money, hence why everyone below the MD had a rubbish phone and shabby clothes. There are so many sixth form and university graduates who are stupid enough to not go to university or use their degree in exchange for knocking on doors for 12 hours saying the same cr*p, believing that soon they’ll own their own business 😂😂 BUL**HIT. Due to the stress and long hours of the job I’ve been bed bound for days at a time with the manager messaging me “shame that” and taking money out of MY earnings for not having 100% attendance, it’s fu*k*ng disgusting and it should be illegal. How can they say you’re ‘self employed’ when they’re taking YOUR earnings?? It’s simply so they can scam you in to paying over £30 a week for travel and lunch etc while tricking you in to a labour. Don’t be stupid like me or those who think they’re above everyone because supposedly they’ll ‘have their own business soon’ 😂???. It’s an illegal scam, shame on these companies. I am now in a difficult situation, having missed the university deadline and needing a new job asap, having no choice with top grade a levels but to work in mcdonalds for the next year. At least there they’re accountable and I will earn what I deserve. I will not hesitate to report this company for the damages they have made to my entire year. Luckily my best friend and boyfriend have been supporting me + my family but I can’t imagine what it be like for someone who isn’t as privileged to have this. DISGRACEFUL.