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Some are, some aren't.
Reply 3
I personally doubt it is because intimidation. It is probably that the girl has emotional problems.
i am. i cant help it.
Honest reply? For me.....YES.

I am intimidated by beautiful girls....It's a bit of a "you can't have this" feeling.....dunno, but yes, I feel that way too :redface:
Reply 6
I'm not sure 'intimidated' is the right word but 'feel uncomfortable around', 'nervous around' I would say sometimes - 'yes'. I'd be tempted to say that it is more about the guy feeling awkward or inadequate / unqualified for the girl. However, it depends - if the girl is moody, that would raise a whole different situation for example.

Reply 7
if their REAL beautiful it makes me want to talk to them lol and try get their number or somethink :P :smile: lol
If they are total strangers then yes, they are terrifying.
Honest reply? For me.....YES.

I am intimidated by beautiful girls....It's a bit of a "you can't have this" feeling.....dunno, but yes, I feel that way too :redface:
for me its more of the "thats not for you... dont even look at it" feeling. i feel i have serious confidence/ego issues. i have confidence but it clashes with my ego. :dontknow: thats probably why I've been single for the past 2 years.
Reply 10
Fit girls dont need boyfriends when they have 10 lads after them treating them like a princess

oh and i'm not intimidated by them really
Reply 11
.... and thats where everything falls apart
Reply 12
i have always wondered why some very pretty girls dont ever have bfs. are guys intimidated by beautiful girls?

Excuse me, where are these girls?

Not that they'd be interested. :p:
Reply 13
Unless I know for a fact they've got a nice personality I just nothing to do with them so no, I just walk by and not give it any thought.
Reply 14
Maybe not all hot girls are as shallow as you and dont see the need to desperatly run out there and try to find themselves a life partner at the first opportunity?
Reply 15
the pimp speaks up
Reply 16
no. but it takes a lot of guts to approach them and offer to buy a drink. i need to be a little bit tipsy to do it.
Reply 17
buy a drink? might as well buy her an outdated can of tuna and say "smells better than you"
I think some 'fit' girls have it hard. Most men will either be scared of them or treat them like a piece of meat and not care about who they really are - because they are 'fit' and nothing else matters. Then they have to put up with being bitched about by jealous girls.
Reply 19
Maybe they don't have boyfriends because it would piss off their husbands?