The Student Room Group

The Warwick Accommodation Thread (+Guide in Post#1)

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How over-subscribed is Jack Martin? I really really like it but it sounds like it's very popular! I have no trouble with my other choices as a few others seem fine but I love Jack Martin!

At a guess, it's probably about 10:1.

Well - 425 rooms against 3800 undergrads - it can't be that high.

But I wouldn't be surprised if more than 75% apply for some sort of en suite, so perhaps 4:1.
I'd say something like 6:1 at least...
About 3/4 of people probably apply for ensuite rooms as a first choice.

Also, since they try to give everyone one of the ones on their list, it depends which other ones you have listed too. If they're not so popular, you're more likely to get one, so they can ensure that everyone gets one on their list where possible.
I'd say something like 6:1 at least...
About 3/4 of people probably apply for ensuite rooms as a first choice.

Also, since they try to give everyone one of the ones on their list, it depends which other ones you have listed too. If they're not so popular, you're more likely to get one, so they can ensure that everyone gets one on their list where possible.

So is that why everyone that puts Westwood down gets Westwood? Balls. I put it as my number 3, JM as my number 1. I did put in the about me I like cleanliness and I would much prefer my own bathroom.... not that that would affect it though I guess? Isn't that just for assigning you the people on your corridor after the halls have been assigned? :\
So is that why everyone that puts Westwood down gets Westwood? Balls. I put it as my number 3, JM as my number 1. I did put in the about me I like cleanliness and I would much prefer my own bathroom.... not that that would affect it though I guess? Isn't that just for assigning you the people on your corridor after the halls have been assigned? :\

In my year, yes I presume so. But it may be different every year.
Most people want their own bathroom if they're applying for ensuite so that probably won't influence anyone's decision on giving you ensuite... The description thing is to try and put people together who would be a good mix and get along, which is nice to know.

Whichever accom you get, you'll have a great first year though, so it isn't such a big deal. It'll be fun and fine wherever you go. I will be in Hurst next year, I have no idea what it's like so it's all new for me too again.
Okay lovely Warwickers, I know this is random, but it says on the site that duvets/pillows/linen is provided - what's it all like? Do they laundry it or do you have to do it yourself? And generally do people use it or just take their own?

I'm thinking of Arthur Vick, Claycroft and Tocil specifically, but if you can only give a general answer then that's appreciated too :smile:

:five: Thats exactly what I'm going to apply to. I have no idea about what to write in the About Me section though. I don't mind if my flat mates are slightly anti-social (because thats what I've heard about AV) as long as they aren't reckless, messy, inconsiderate etc. :p:
So is that why everyone that puts Westwood down gets Westwood? Balls. I put it as my number 3, JM as my number 1. I did put in the about me I like cleanliness and I would much prefer my own bathroom.... not that that would affect it though I guess? Isn't that just for assigning you the people on your corridor after the halls have been assigned? :\

Same, 3rd after Rootes and Benefactors.

I'm hoping that it will be different this year, because of the changes to 39 week lets for many of the halls, hopefully it'll change what people apply to... maybe it won't be so undersubscribed this year because its a bit cheaper?

Oh well! I was walking round campus on Wednesday and Westwood actually looks pretty nice, rooms are epic too :smile:
Same, 3rd after Rootes and Benefactors.

I'm hoping that it will be different this year, because of the changes to 39 week lets for many of the halls, hopefully it'll change what people apply to... maybe it won't be so undersubscribed this year because its a bit cheaper?

Oh well! I was walking round campus on Wednesday and Westwood actually looks pretty nice, rooms are epic too :smile:

Yeah I don't see what the problem is tbh! I mean, it's not that far from the computer science and maths blocks, so it's ok for me and who's saying at home when they go for a night out they don't have to walk at least 10 minutes to go to the pub/train station/bus stop? I'm sure plenty do!

And I mean.. biggest rooms on campus right? Now cheaper than Rootes. Why not? I think people are just lazy. A nice 10 minute walk home after a night in the union does you good in my opinion. Freshen you up instead of a 1 minute stumble home. Get some fresh air in your lungs.
Reply 1387
how long is your accoomdation ps? just a couple of lines?
sup people

what are the chances of me getting rootes if i put it as my 1st choice (and obviously dont call myself a boring old fart in the personal statement) ?
Reply 1389
sup people

what are the chances of me getting rootes if i put it as my 1st choice (and obviously dont call myself a boring old fart in the personal statement) ?

Pretty high I guess.
Tho I say that but noone really knows, they dont release figures or anything..

I put Rootes first and got it. True story.
Pretty high I guess.
Tho I say that but noone really knows, they dont release figures or anything..

I put Rootes first and got it. True story.


im pretty much heart-set on rootes and im actually having more of a problem trying to choose a third choice!! (with JM my 2nd)

what would you say is the next most social halls after rootes?
Reply 1391

im pretty much heart-set on rootes and im actually having more of a problem trying to choose a third choice!! (with JM my 2nd)

what would you say is the next most social halls after rootes?

Yah I put JM as my second because I figured it wouldnt be so bad but also that it was much in demand so quite unlikely giving them furthur reason to give me Rootes!

3rd I think I put Benefactors if that looks like it appeals. Didnt put Westwood, dont want to risk that, although the people who get it do end up loving it I think.

Whitefields I guess wouldnt be that bad as long as everyone else in the flat wasnt a ****!.

Good Luck with Rootes! Best choice
Reply 1392
just started lookin into accomodation at warwick, im sociable and will wanna go out a lot. however ill also wanna crack down and have somewhere i can study too which is quiet. i dont fancy a long walk to campus and im takin maths if that gives anyone an idea of where my walk.

oh and i wudnt mind en suite

if anyone cud give me a bit of advice of where it wud be suitable for me it wud be much appreciated.

Reply 1393
how long is your accoomdation ps? just a couple of lines?

lol you've been asking this question for weeks. Mine was about 4 lines long and took 5 minutes, no need to write a 'personal statement' as you keep calling it.
Reply 1394
Finally applied for (in order): Rootes, Tocil, Cryfield
Just applied this morning to:
1) Arthur Vick
2) Claycroft
3) Tocil

Just applied this morning to:
1) Arthur Vick
2) Claycroft
3) Tocil


I still need to apply, but that's my exact choices! Might switch CC and AV around though, still not sure.
Okay, just applied! (Finally!)

1. Claycroft
2. Tocil
3. Arthur Vick

I know that there's no way I'll be put in AV putting it third, but I don't really want a 30 week rent and the other 39 week ones appealed to me much less than Claycroft and Tocil.
Reply 1398
me 2.
Finally applied for (in order): Rootes, Tocil, Cryfield

rootes and L100 econ :yep:

good choices :biggrin: