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Reply 1
I don't. My main motivation in studying is insuring I don't have to do it. So anybody who has to has my pity and respect.
I personally don't look down on manual workers, i respect them more than pen-pushers/lawyers etc...

People probably do so for the same reasons they typically watch soap operas, their lives are not as dramatic/in a 'crap situation' compared to the manual workers and so by looking down on them it gives them a sense of false self-importance, a typical trait of the snob.
Reply 3
Because (and I'm not saying this is right) those of us who are not manual workers and are professionals have had to work and gain qualifications and so feel superior to them and some feel the need to look down on them.

A bit pathetic, really.
Reply 4
Its interesting that a lot of people in the consturction industry are people who failed at school and have little qualifications. Its wrong to look down on them as its probably not their fualt, however the industry seems to attract a lot of scallies.

The decent people in the consturction industry are the ones that often become managers/run their own business etc. In the old days it was different but in the last 10 years thier has been so many people being put off by the industry.
Its interesting that a lot of people in the consturction industry are people who failed at school and have little qualifications. Its wrong to look down on them as its probably not their fualt, however the industry seems to attract a lot of scallies.

The decent people in the consturction industry are the ones that often become managers/run their own business etc. In the old days it was different but in the last 10 years thier has been so many people being put off by the industry.

I suppose it depends on the motivations behind joining such industries, because you want to work hard, progress learn the trade as it interests you, or have sod all else to do and may as well fuck around on a building site all day etc...
Reply 6
Yes because construction (at the lower levels) needs little or no brainpower. People look down upon them because of intellectual arrogance; a belief that someone who isn't quite as clever is inferior. Which all sounds dandy in theory but somehow, we just can't help doing it!

I look down on a lot of people in the industry but they are such arse twats with no social skills other than getting drunk and cuasing fights, however their are some decent people in the industry and I have respect for them. However I find it sad that the decent people seem to be older. I guess it depends on the job, being a joiner or electrician requirers a lot more brain power than say a laberour.
because alot of them are scallies. Tis unfair on the hard working class members of society though, who are arguably the most respectable members of society.,
Reply 8
Manual workers tend to be stronger (the ones who do hard physical work) and therefore are more muscely and better looking, therefore (in appearences) are better than us. :cool:
Reply 9
I personally don't look down on manual workers, i respect them more than pen-pushers/lawyers etc...

Nothing wrong with manual workers - they put in a lot of effort.

Not to pick a fight but whats wrong with lawyers? Theres a big distinction between lawyers/other proffessions that are mainly intellectual, and 'pen-pushers' or pointless bureauocracy, i.e. that we work bloody hard! (and perform an essential requirement for society)

To relate this to the topic at hand - do comments like this indicate that manual workers and/or people who don't do these kind of jobs have a perception that its a walk in the park or not a real/worthwhile job? Interesting how it goes both ways...
'cos qualifications are the modern measuring stick by which power is measured. Those without power have always been looked down upon.
I need a good debate to keep me busy and keep my mind of my pain.

Of course we look down on manual labourers, we have been brought up to believe that in order to achieve in life, we must first gain qualifications. Most people do not think that manual labourers have very many qualifications, so they are look down on as intellectual inferiors.
Reply 12
Its ironic that manual workers are the people who actually create the wealth which the people who look down upon them (lawyers, bankers, investors) work with and get paid with. For this reason I respect manual workers a great deal as they do much harder jobs than other qualification based occupations, and usually get paid a shockingly unfair wage for doing it.

Anyway, I could hardly say I look down upon manual workers as I have done my fair share of manual based jobs in my years.
Nothing wrong with manual workers - they put in a lot of effort.

Not to pick a fight but whats wrong with lawyers? Theres a big distinction between lawyers/other proffessions that are mainly intellectual, and 'pen-pushers' or pointless bureauocracy, i.e. that we work bloody hard! (and perform an essential requirement for society)

To relate this to the topic at hand - do comments like this indicate that manual workers and/or people who don't do these kind of jobs have a perception that its a walk in the park or not a real/worthwhile job? Interesting how it goes both ways...

I just have a very negative perception of the law proffession, i'm not entirely sure where my bias comes from but i know it's there and correct in my opinion :smile: Basically i hate the idea of lying and trying to deceive and trick people in court etc...Also it is all about the money which i don't like. Obviously not all lawyers are like this, but i can't see why anyone would want to go into that proffession for actual good honest reasons.
Reply 14
Do Chickens Fly
'cos qualifications are the modern measuring stick by which power is measured. Those without power have always been looked down upon.
I look down upon Media Studies and Golf Course management graduates, and hold manual labourers above those kinds of graduates.
Reply 15
I hold manual workers who have grown up in a very difficult environment in much higher regard than spoilt little rich kids who have had their education bought for them and have made it to Oxbridge or other univerisities.

Anyway, I know people in manual occupations who I regard as the most well-rounded, intelligent and well-read I have ever met - even more so than the majority of graduates I know.
Reply 16
because alot of them are scallies. Tis unfair on the hard working class members of society though, who are arguably the most respectable members of society.,

Are they? Have you conducted a survey on this?

And what about those 'football hooligans' who are frequently from the middle classes and have what we could call 'educated backgrounds'.

Pistols at dawn, anyone?
I don't. My main motivation in studying is insuring I don't have to do it. So anybody who has to has my pity and respect.

Surely pitying them involves looking down on them?
I just have a very negative perception of the law proffession, i'm not entirely sure where my bias comes from but i know it's there and correct in my opinion :smile: Basically i hate the idea of lying and trying to deceive and trick people in court etc...Also it is all about the money which i don't like. Obviously not all lawyers are like this, but i can't see why anyone would want to go into that proffession for actual good honest reasons.

Lawyers exist to act on behalf of others when they have suffered loss, and to defend people when they don't deserve to be held responsible - they don't 'lie and deceive' for the sake of it! There are some who are reprehensible such as the 'no win no fee' firms that attempt to manufacture liability in the so called 'compensation culture' (this is much more common in america - and the main reason for law's low reputation there), but the vast majority are there to fight for their clients in legitimate actions - without them, people would have no means of redress when they are wronged. Sure it pays well, but this is because it requires very specialist skill, which take years of hard work to develop.

To be blunt how would people react if you said what you said above about, say, manual workers, saying their lazy and can't be bothered to learn or somesuch (a view I do NOT share), - people would accuse you of baseless and snobbish opinions, and rightly so. So why is it ok to bash lawyers just cause your misinformed as to their motivation and role?
Reply 19
I need a good debate to keep me busy and keep my mind of my pain.

Manual work is often less respected because it has traditionally not requiered as much education as more high status jobs. Lawyers and Doctors have high status because it requires great motivation dicipline and talent to pass through the education requiered. Also, wealth has always been an indication of success and thus jobs with low wages are less respected. Having said this I think most people would say they have a greater respect for the average manual worker than for G. W. Bush. Living in Norway I also find it quite fun to see how the people doing manual labour on the offshore Oil platforms live right in between the Doctors and Lawyers. Basicly, the more difficult it is to get someone to do the job, the more you will have to pay people in order to find someone to do it.