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it doesnt matter how intelligent they are, as long as they are not thick as two planks of wood!! you gotta be able to hav a convo with them, but it wouldnt end a relationship for me!
Reply 2
No. I'm a genius and have never had a girlfriend.
Reply 3
No. I'm a genius and have never had a girlfriend.

With that kind of modesty you should be a real go-getter :rolleyes:
Reply 4
My girlfriend (of 2 years, known her for 5) said that when she first met me one of the things she found most attractive was that I would tell her about all the cool bits of physics I'd just learnt- balls being able to pass through walls and weird quantum mechanics stuff.

I don't think that's intelligence necessarily but I think there's a lot to be said for being able to hold an interesting conversation
Reply 5
Yep, they do.
Reply 6
With that kind of modesty you should be a real go-getter :rolleyes:

I'm good looking and I'm a genius. Why do I need modesty?
Reply 7
I'm good looking and I'm a genius. Why do I need modesty?

just the kind of guy i like :cool:
of course they do. my boyfriend entertains me, teaches me new things but also makes me crack up with laughter when he says something really blonde. he is really intelligent, and when he says something dumb i just fancy him even more.

awww, i love him.
Reply 9
depends if intelligence is academic or 'intelligent'. There is a difference of attraction if you compare a mathematician to a philosopher type. The former could bore someone to tears and the other one has the potential to be insightful
Reply 10
I'm good looking and I'm a genius. Why do I need modesty?

So you can get laid?
I would not date a thick guy. I did once (and he wans't even that stupid, just a fool and an ass) and I will never do it again. So yes, someone's intelligence is an important enough factor for me not to date someone specificaly because they are not intelligent enough.

However, someone's brains will not keep them with me. They have to have other good qualities for the relationship to work!

So I have been very lucky with my man. Intelligent, interesting, sweet, gentle, loving, cuddly, playful, kinky . . .
You've got to be able to have a conversation with them :smile:
Reply 13

you can have a conversation with someone who's not amazingly intelligent. just talk about sport.
If you were a girl, would you like yourself? assuming of course that you are 'intelligent'.
Reply 15
He has to be intellegent for me to admire him.
But how intelligent they are can determine the quality of the conversation.

The kind of intelligence that I feel is important in a relationship is being open-minded, willing to learn, about to talk articulately about an interest, being willing to listen and participate when your partner talks about her interests, being able to think around situations rather than piggybacking on preconceptions and prejudices. They don't have to be a maths wizz, as long as they are engaging, articulate, witty and open-minded.
yes, intelligence is a turn on. because it means you can have a decent conversation and are less likely to get bored quickly, as you would with someone who was just good-looking but with not much intelligence to hold your interest.
Reply 18
I wouldn't go out with someone who wasn't intelligent. It's probably the first thing I look for in a member of the opposite sex (obviously followed by humour, kindness etc.)

I do know plenty of girls who aren't really bothered about intelligence though.
you can have a conversation with someone who's not amazingly intelligent. just talk about sport.

Heh! :biggrin: :wink:
