Hey, here are some possible exam questions on secularisation...if anyone has any more or on different topics in Religion, please post them!
1) Identify and briefly explain two problems of measuring the extent of secularsation in a modern society (8 marks)
2) Identify and briefly examine some of the sociological arguments that might be used to challenge the view that Religions seem to have lost their authority in today's societies (12 marks)
3) Identify and briefly explain two of the reasons why we might have a false view of the religious nature of past societies (8 marks)
4) Examine some of the reasons why there is much disagreement on the meaning of the concept of secularisation (12 marks)
5) Identify and briefly explain two problems in assessing the influence of religion in modern society (8 marks)
6) Briefly examine the extent to which religion can still be said to be functional for individuals and society (12 marks)
7) "Modern Britain is now a secular society"
To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence agree with this view? (40 marks)
8) "Claims that the United Kingdom is now a secular society are wrong. Both religious activity and religious belief are flourishing"
To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence support this view? (40 marks)
9) "The growth and spread of religious fundamentalism challeneges the view that the world is becoming more secular"
To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence support this view? (40 marks)
10) "The postmodernist perspective claims that some forms of religion, far from declining, are enjoying a period of growth"
Examine and assess the extent to which such a claim casts doubt on the view that western societies are undergoing a period of secularisation. (40 marks)
Below is also an essay plan for question 10, i dont know how useful/less it is but i ended up getting a high A in that essay!
The postmodernist perspective claims that some forms of religion, far from declining, are enjoying a period of growth.
Examine and assess the extent to which such a claim casts doubt on the view that western societies are undergoing a period of secularisation.
•Changes in modern society have led to a religious decline as there have been replaced religious beliefs. The decline in church attendance and individual’s religious thinking shows that secularisation may be occurring. Theorists that support are Bruce and Wilson.
•Fundamentalism, NRM’s and quasi-religions all show how post-modern society can lead to religious growth. The increasing significance of the media – hyperreality (Baudrillard). Support from Lyons, Bauman, Heelas, Campbell.
•Possible conclusions – maybe a different type of religion is emerging, post-modern religion. Traditional religion may be secularising.
Section 1:
•Bruce says Christianity will be extinct by 2030. Declined over the past 150yrs. People now believe more in science than superstition. Increasing rationalisation – creationism and evolution aren’t compatible.
Evidence: Church attendance dropped from 30%-10% of population. 30% -> 5% of men training as priests. In middle ages, church was dominant and had power.
•Wilson says decline in religious practice, organisation and thought. Church membership and attendance decreased. Organisations have less control. Individual consciousness decreased.
Evidence: Mori poll found only 43% of people believed in God. Rising levels of drug abuse, pornography. Over 1250 churches closed since 1970.
Section 2:
•Society has changed because of globalisation, NRM’s, Client cults etc
•Crisis of morality with people not knowing the answers to life’s questions anymore. People still search for the ultimate significance to life, this leads to spiritual growth.
Section 3:
•David Lyons says the global resurgence of religion takes place in cults and new religions. Christian fundamentalism in USA and resurgence of other world religions are evidence of this. Also says the shift from economic production to consumption of goods and services (consumerism) means there is a different emphasis on culture.
•Bauman says Fundamentalism fulfils a spiritual desire for some people. It can provide a clear set of beliefs and practices. Also, the “crisis of meaning” means that people still search of significance to life. Relativism means that there is other ‘truths’ emerging so one religion cannot claim a monopoly of the truth.
•Stark and Bainbridge say client cults show links between spirituality and ideas of the self and the body. Client cults offer services to clients involving “Personal adjustment” and self-improving and healing techniques. Scientology?
•Heelas says that postmodern religion fills a spiritual vacuum and satisfies the need for ‘meaning’. Especially mysticism. Brings a desire to create self-identity. Freedom for individuals based on individual experiences.
•Campbell talks about Easternisation – NRM’s inspired by ancient religions from the East, especially mysticism. Includes belief in holistic views of the mind, body and spirit and stresses the limits of science.
Section 4:
•Bruce rejects the postmodernist theory as he sees the number of people who have shown any interest in new forms of religion as minute. He argues that there is no significance search for religion. Commitment to religion is still minimal.
•Secularisation is obviously occurring as Bruce and Wilson show the decline in church attendance and religious thinking. Also the decline of religious organisations such as the church on schools etc.
•However, postmodernists see that maybe a new type of religion is occurring; NRM’s and client cults are examples.
•Can self-help guides and quasi religions (e.g. shopping and football) really be considered as a new form of ‘religion’?
•Maybe traditional religion IS declining and being replaced by a religion of some sort, it is just different and still evolving.