The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Do you feel nervous when you are around other people?
Reply 2
No I wouldn't say I was a nervy person at all and I haven't always done it, just recently
Reply 3
and its only when your with people no other time??
Reply 4
Are you taking anything? Excessive alocohol... lots of caffiene... or not eating?
Reply 5
No sometimes when I'm alone as well but it seems worse around other people. I have been thinking about visiting my GP but it seems a bit of a silly thing to go and see her for. I eat really well (lots of healthy food but enough sugar) have about 2 cups of tea a week, drink probably about once a month, not on medication for anything - it doesn't really add up :frown:
Reply 6
Do you have any otheer symptoms? im jus wondering if you suffer with anxiety??
Reply 7
No nothing else, don't have panic attacks or anything I would say I'm generally a pretty chilled out person with very few stresses/worries. I just wish it would stop because it's pretty strange if you're sat chatting to someone and your hands are shaking the whole time.
Reply 8
I just spoke to my mum,she is a nurse, sorry i hope you dont mind, i thought it would be of more help. She said that it could be anxiety, or low blood pressure, so you should really see your doctor.
Can i ask do you drink a lot of coffee or tea, because that can sometimes make you shake from the amount of caffeiene?
Reply 9
No I don't mind at all, thanks for asking her. I don't have any medical friends or relatives. Don't drink very much caffeine at all. I think I might go and brave the doctor in that case.
Reply 10
Yes, thats probably the best option, going to the doctors. Then atleast the will put your mind at ease. They will probably just ask you some quetions, and do normal doctor things, nothing to worry about :biggrin:
Reply 11
Let me know how you get on, maybe. You dont have to.
Reply 12
Yeah thanks - I definitely will. I'll PM you thanks for your help.
Good luck! I hope it's nothing serious
i have that!
its quite embarassing, but ive had it ever since i rememebr
doctor said its a benign tremor & ive been given betablockers
they did loads of blood tests first to rule out other stuff (and loads of random/fun reflex tests to check your nerve response)soo yeah id defo go doctor
Im the same!
It just happens randomly
Has it eased?
I know how you feel!!!! :frown: