The Student Room Group

I feel so bleh

Hi um well sorry to waste everyone's time with this but I am having a bit of a weird time at the moment. I was treated for depression for two years until because of a change in family circumstances I pulled myself out of all treatment. I felt better and stopped s/h but recently I have just been feeling completely out of control again. I am always tired and I just feel like everything is too much. I used to self harm several times a day and still have scars from it so it isn't something I want to start again it's just that at the moment everything feels completely out of control. Today I burst into tears during a meeting with my head tutor at college which is completely unlike me and following that everytime I saw one of my lecturers they told me they were concerned I had no direction etc etc and I should see a counsellor.

Anyway I am thinking about going to the doctors and asking for some kind of referral but I don't know if they will take me seriously or whether they will just think I am being a premadonna. I don't know whats wrong I just feel bleh and I am seriously worried it is going to spiral out of control like last time. But I also don't want to waste the doctors time.... I don't know I am just confused.

Sorry I don't even know what I want from posting this. I guess I want to know if you think it will pass or if it's worth going to the doctors about. Thanks
You cannot possibly be wasting the doctors time. What would be a waste is if you did not let them use their expertise to help you. :smile: xxx
Reply 2
Especially if you have a past history for depression, the doctor will take you seriously, it's not the kind of thing you can mess about with as the consequences of not taking someone with really bad depression seriously could be dire. Go to the doctors, tell him about it and go from there.
Go see your doctor- you won't be wasting their time, especially as you have a history of depression. At the very least they can reassure you, if not offer you some help. It's better to do something about it now than run the risk of the problem getting worse. Good luck :smile:
Reply 4
Go see your doctor and get that referral; from your history you will definitely not be wasting the doctor's time.

If you believe that it'll spiral out of control then that'll mean all those 2 years of treatment would of been pointless, prevent this happening and get that referral from the doctors.

I'm sorry to hear about your change in family circumstances.
Hope whatever happens, it favours in your interests. Take care :hugs:
I'm in a similar situation myself. I feel really down all the time, its been going on a long time. I used to self harm up until a couple of years ago but have now stopped, though I still think about doing it. My sadness (i dont want to call it depression cos i dont know if thats what it is) got a lot more intense by grief, I lost a close friend in june last year. I also didn't know whether to go to the doctors about it. I think its because i dont really know what to expect, I dont really just want to be put on a load of pills because i know that in the long run that wont help. Has anyone been the their doctors about something like this before? What happened? Also, what do you say? I dont know, just going in and saying 'i think im depressed' seems a bit scary! I hope someone can help, and for the person who started the thread, you're not alone.
Angeldelight I'm sorry to hear about your friend. My advice would be the same for you as for the OP, go and see your doctor. They won't put you on a load of pills automatically but will discuss your options first, and you can decide if you want to pursue medical treatment. They might offer you counselling or CBT, or simply offer you some advice on how you can help yourself. If you are nervous about going or worried about what you will say, write your points on a piece of paper so you will remember what you want to say and what you want to achieve. For a starting point, write your symptoms/problems, how long they have been going on for and anything else you feel is relevant. It will also help if you freeze up, to prompt you and if the worst comes to the worst, you can always hand the sheet over for the doctor to read! Good luck :smile:
Thank you :smile:
You cannot possibly be wasting the doctors time. What would be a waste is if you did not let them use their expertise to help you. :smile: xxx

possibly no harm in asking tho. :smile: