The Student Room Group

Head hurts then sick

I had a headache all Wednesday, and as the day wore on it got progressively worse. I went out at night, and driving home I felt awful. By the time I got in, my forehead was all clammy, and I just felt like I really needed to be sick, so I went and sat by the toilet until I was.

I woke up yesterday absolutely fine :confused:

This has happened once before, about 2 years ago now. Has anyone got any idea what it is? I'm getting a headache again now and it's worrying me slightly :frown:

It could be a migraine cos that can cause sickness. If your concerned then go and see your doctor :smile:
Reply 2
i think a migraine too. go see your GP. you can buy migralieve but its not for headaches so be sure of what it is if you plan on taking any. the stuff is awsome though.
Next time it happens eat some chocolate when you feel the headache coming on.
Reply 4
Next time it happens eat some chocolate when you feel the headache coming on.

Not sure if its been scientifically proven, but a large number of people find that chocolate makes headaches worse.
Reply 5
headaches are generally due to dehydration, eating sugar proby wont help. try drinking a couple glasses of water instead.
Reply 6
There are many possible reasons.
As has been mentioned it could be a migraine. They can be triggered by food that contains histamine (such as cheese, red wine and chocolate)
Theoretically it could be a hypertensive crisis (if you suffered from high blood pressure), young people can also have high blood pressure. You could have that checked. This is a rather long shot though.
Doesn't really sound like migraine, as migrainous headaches are quite debilitating pain. Sometimes just regular headaches can be associated with nausea, it's probably nothing serious. Treat the headaches with paracetamol and/or ibuprofen or aspirin, if the nausea's really bad then you can treat that with tablet called domperidone. Make sure you keep well hydrated, and if you've been throwing up then use an oral rehydration sachet. If the problems continue, see a doctor.
Next time it happens eat some chocolate when you feel the headache coming on.

Chcolate is worse for ehadaches, especially migrainous ones.

Now it doesn't sound like your typical migraine history when i t comes to pain etc. And many headaches you'll find yourself feeling better in the morning, but certainly migraines often make you vomit, and only really go when you sleep them off.

Its nothing to be concerned about, but if you find it recurring then see a doctor.
For now i wouldn't worry about oral rehdration sachets or anything medical like that.
just good old paracetemol does the trick.
I have similar migraines regularly, in respect to pattern (approximately every 10 to 12 months). Whether I'm sick or not depends on whether I eat just before/during the migraine.
Pretty much all the time when I get headaches, if i dont take any paracetamol (or ibroprofen or similar type tablet) or dont take them soon enough then the headache will get worse and I will end up throwing up. Have been like this since primary school. Have 2 vivid memories of throwing up in the playground after school, probably because i didnt drink enough but yes, ive had this problem all my life and these are normal headaches, not migraines. So i always take pills if i can, am not one of those people who can see it through (withoight taking anythign for it) cos i known what will happen if i dont. I havnt gone to see the doctors about it, simply because I dont get headaches that often anymore and I know all i need to do to prevent being ill is to take paracetamol. I dont know if that helps at all but hopes it reassures you, but by all means go to doctors if you are worried (and if they say anything thats helpful let me know!) xx
Reply 11
Migraine. You can get this tables called Migraleve- take the pink ones when you feel the headache coming (my warning sign is losing my vision) and it should go, if not then take the yellow ones then it should def go.

Good luck!! and ebing sick is the ebst bet if all else fails as that always seems to do the job for me- darkened rooms and cold flannels on forehead too.
Reply 12
Well, my fears were right, last night was awful. As soon as I got in from work the pain became unbearable, and I was quite sick. When I stopped I took some paracetamol, and then spent the whole night just lying in my room in the dark with my head hurting so much I couldn't move and feeling queasy :frown:

After a little sleep I felt better again.

I hope this doesn't continue, it was the most awful feeling.

I don't think it was high blood pressure; I was at the doctors to have some tests a few weeks ago (diabetes, thyroid, blood pressure etc) and everything was fine. I'd feel stupid going back again so soon.

I went for the tests in the first place because I keep getting tremors - my hands shake etc - and I often feel like I'm constantly in a state of nervousness, even when I'm not nervous. The doctor said if the thyroid tests came back negative (which they did) then it's probably stress, although I shouldn't really be stressed at the moment.

Two weeks ago I had a problem with going to the toilet as well - for a week I was going a *lot* - at least twelve times a day. I was a bit worried because I've had a kidney infection before (agonising), but then that suddenly cleared up.

I feel a bit like I'm falling apart. I'm one of these people with no immune systems - I can get a really bad cold every two months. Over christmas my family got a bit of a sore throat, and I got a full blown cold for three weeks.

It's really started getting to me. People always joke that I've always got something wrong with me, but I don't enjoy it - it's really starting to annoy me now. :frown:

Sorry for the whinge :redface: x