The Student Room Group

Should I take a pregnancy test?

I have the implanon, and normally I never have any sign of a period, but over the last few days I've had a slightly blood coloured discharge. Should I take a pregnancy test to check that it isn't implantation bleeding? And if yes when should I take it to make sure it gives an accurate result? Or is it likely to just be a very mild period, I have been a little snappy and bloated :s-smilie:.
Reply 1
the doctor i seen when i got my implant said that its possible to have normal periods or abnormal periods with the implant so i wouldnt worry to much its probably normal enough
Reply 2
If you really are worried then the only thing that will put your mind at ease is a test.
Reply 3
yeh you may aswell take the test then yu'll know for sure
yeh you may aswell take the test then yu'll know for sure

do the test then mind at rest.
Reply 5
yeh you may aswell take the test then yu'll know for sure

Reply 6
do the test...but go clinic so u dnt end up wasting £10
Reply 7
Ok so when should I take the test? I mean aren't you sposed to take it after your first missed period? But I don't have periods soooo....when?
Well, if you think it could be implantation bleeding then you should do it now because if it is it should show up I think.
Reply 9
Some people find that the period-freeness doesn't last for the whole length of the implant, so you might just be returning to some bleeding from that. Still, the only way to know is to take a test. Do one now, and then if you're still not convinced, do one in about 2 weeks to be doubly sure.
do the test...but go clinic so u dnt end up wasting £10

yeah do the test then go see your doctor if you've got any worries on your health wise.