The Student Room Group

Do I fancy him?

I have a weird situation with a male friend. I'm sort of attracted to him - but not physically. I always want to be around him and I like it when he hugs me. BUT I don't get those fuzzy feelings in my tummy/shortness of breath and other symptoms of a crush. I always want to see him and when I do i have a big smile on my face. We kinda had a 'kissing incident' which he deemed a mistake and not to happen again a while back. He has a long term girlfriend. I think about him a hell of a lot.

Am I getting confused over this friendship? What should I do? And do I actually fancy him? I wouldnt say he was phsycially attractive, but parts of him are.
Are you particularly friendly with him? If so it could be "romantic friendship"...or the beginnings of one. Look it up on Wikipedia.
Reply 2
does he have nice ear lobes?
Awww... how cute. I think the more that you're with him, the more that you're feeling attracted to him. I think that over time, you will ignore the attracted to looks part, and just be attracted to him overall. Seeing as he has a long term partner, I would tread very carefully, otherwise things could get messy.
Reply 4
does he have nice ear lobes?

Reply 5
Scientifically guys with nice ear lobes are 47.9% more likely to attract the opposite sex.

Reply 6
Scientifically guys with nice ear lobes are 47.9% more likely to attract the opposite sex.


78.4% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Reply 7
u blatenly like him! trust me, iv been there!