I work part time as UKCP registered Counsellor. Unfortunately counselling/psychotherapy is not profitable job and very few can make career out of it. Usually by delivering training, not by an actual therapy.
The fees of full clinical membership is comparable with membership of well paid medical profession but income from counselling is low. After cost of supervision, every six client hours and costs of CPDs, one is lucky if they are not out of pocket. If an employer reimburses cost of supervision, even partly, it is good. Employed counsellors get paid significantly less than private ones, but income for the freelance counsellors is unpredictable. It depends on client"s commitment and their financial viablility. There are many therapists on the market. There's a preconception amongst the therapists that by asking clients to pay, we may victimise them twice, clients suffered already by how life treated them. It is meaningful job but due to uncertain therapeutic outcome E.g. client's unrealistic expectations, it is not always rewarding.