The Student Room Group
Dude, she doesn't share your feelings. I've had this before. You can't do anything about her not liking you. You have two options, be her friend and be happy with that. Or just completely have no interaction with her at all to help you get over it.
Reply 2
Ok so this sounds emo but i've liked/loved/crushed over a girl for a few years now and it's getting on top of me - she's beautiful, funny, caring but I can never have her because she doesn't share my feelings. Every time I see her I experience strong butterflies to the point where it hurts and causes me to feel depressed. Help :frown:

Are you friends with her? People change and even if you don't she probably will, try and pick out the qualities that you love about her and think of her negatives (if she doesn't have any I don't think you know her well enough). Just think there are plenty of girls out there with the qualities you love about her and more, they will also share your feelings! Btw its not emo, most people have these feelings so why be embarrased of talking about them.
Reply 3
Or just completely have no interaction with her at all to help you get over it.

Thats the way to go.She aint the only cute girl in the world mate.FORGET about her.
Reply 4
This may not help right now, but you WILL get over it eventually; can just take a bit of time thats all. Just wait and someone else will come along :smile:
This may not help right now, but you WILL get over it eventually; can just take a bit of time thats all. Just wait and someone else will come along :smile:

yeah that usually what happens :wink:
Reply 6
Another "be a man" post. Lets start off by asking what the hell feelings are? Girls dont share my feelings for them because I don't have feelings, and they very clearly do. Now I'll continue by asking why you're treating her different to any other girl you've liked? She might be prettier, nicer (whatever that means), but you still dig her, just like the other girls. Don't treat her specially, don't do everything she says, be extra nice (or even nice at all), hang on to her every word. She won't respect you for it. And what girl is going to chat to guys she doesn't respect (girls are weird like this). And I get pretty pissed off when girls come to talk to me, then get too intimidated to talk. I guess its a bit like this for supermodel girls too.

Chances are you've lost her, but in future remember - she might be good looking, but deep down inside shes just another person.
Lol Yoda! I know you usually make really silly comments, but wrapped up in there are some really good points. Do you do this on purpose? :p: