The Student Room Group

rash on face


yesterday i developed a weird rash on my cheeks, nose and forehead. It doesn't itch, and there is nothing open or coming out. It's just lots and lots of little lumps and red blotchiness. I am kind of concerned really. I have been exhausted without reason for the last week and the doctor said i might have malaria. But a rash doesn't come with that. however it does come with malaria's cousin, dengue fever.

anyone know anything?

Reply 1
any help at all?
Reply 2
Take a few days off, just because you can. Pretend it never happened afterwards.
Reply 3
If you get any further symptoms, go back to your GP. If you don't, and it doesn't clear up in a day or so, go back anyway. Best to get it checked out, it could just be stress or heat rash or something, but you're better off knowing and dealing with it than ignoring something that could be potentially rather bad for your health.